
YOGYAKARTA - Not only the row of volcanic mountains that arrange ranks and spread from east to west, the island of Java also has a number of lowlands. What are the names of the lowlands on the island of Java? Come on, Kepoin!

The reason is, the lowland can be termed a wide stretch of field with a relatively low level of sea level, which is no more than 200 meters. Usually, this term is used in any area with a wide and relatively flat stretch that is opposite to the plateau.

Air Temperatures in the lowlands, especially for the Indonesian region range from 23 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius throughout the year. No wonder, this area is even comfortable to make living areas. Then, various activities can also be carried out here, including farming, considering that it is not only a sufficient water requirement, but the soil is also relatively fertile.

Well, Java as one of the largest islands in the world also has many lowlands. Although it is undeniable, the number of densely populated people has little by little eroded natural habitats on this island. So what are the names of the lowlands on the island of Java?


Madiun City {is allocated} at 111 deg BT 112 deg BT and 7 deg LS 8 deg LS. The city of Madiun was passed by Bengawan Madiun or Kali Madiun, which is the largest river branch of Bengawan Solo.

Madiun became a strategic road on the main streets of Surabaya-Yogyakarta. The city is also a road intersection track to Ponorogo and Pacitan to the south.

The area of Madiun City is about 33.23 square km and is divided into three sub-districts, namely Manguharjo District, Taman District, and Kartoharjo District.


Surakarta City is located between 110 45' 15" - 110 45' 35" East Longitude and 70' 36" - 70' 56 "South Latitude".

The city of Surakarta or also known as the city of Solo is located in a lowland with an altitude of 105 meters above sea level and in the central area of the city is at an altitude of 95 meters above sea level.

The city of Surakarta is even included in the series of the most populous cities in Central Java and the eighth most populous city in Indonesia with an area of the thirteenth smallest.

The city of Surakarta has an area of about 44.1 km2.

The land around the Surakarta area is seen fertile because it is surrounded by the Bengawan Solo River as the longest river in Java and some other rivers such as Anyar River, Pep River, and Jenes River.

Then, the soil in Solo is sandy with a high composition of young minerals due to the volcanic activities of Mount Merapi and Lawu.

Therefore, the Solo area is suitable for the cultivation of food crops, vegetables, and the tobacco industry as well as sugar cane.


Semarang City is located between the 6 degrees 50' - 7 degrees 10' LS line and the 109 degrees 35' - 110 degrees 50' BT line.

The city of Semarang is at the foot of Mount Ungaran which irrigates part of the big river, namely Besole River, Beringin River, Silandak River, Siangker River, Kreo River, Cryptic River, Garang River, Candi River, Pustling River, Kedungmundu River, and Penggaron River.

The height of Semarang City is located between 0.75 and 348.00 meters above the coastline.

Meanwhile, the coastline is approximately 13.6 km.

Some Semarang City are lowlands because with an altitude below 200 meters above sea level, namely coastal areas with an altitude of 0-5 meters above sea level and a lower city with an altitude of 5-100 meters above sea level.


According to several sources, the city of Cirebon is an area located in the eastern region of West Java Province.

Cirebon is on the main road across the northern coast. Astronomically, Cirebon City is located at 6.41o South Latitude and 108.33o East Longitude on the North Coast of the western Java Island.

The city even extends from west to east about 8 kilometers and from north to south approximately 11 kilometers with a sea level of about 5 meters.

The Cirebon City area is a lowland with a height of between 0-200 meters above sea level.

The temperature in Cirebon City is quite high with an air temperature of around 24.13 degrees Celsius - 31.18 degrees Celsius.

So after knowing the lowlands on the island of Java, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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