
YOGYAKARTA - Various in working on hair coloring, there are really many alternatives for you to try, one of which is Ombre. One feature of the color of the turnover is that it has gradation in the lower and upper components of the hair with its original hair color. This time we will discuss the short hair turnover of blue.

So that hair color becomes color gradation so that it makes cool and cool styles when you combine short haircuts. Short hair turnover is now also a present model as applied by e-sport athletes who generally wear striking hair color.

Usually you can meet in women's gamers who choose striking hair colors such as blue, pink, red, ash or purple. The color is really popular starting for women's short hair or long hair cuts that you deserve to apply.

This piece of woman's hair is often worn when summer arrives so it doesn't make you angry. There are many and varied short hair styles like the Boy Cut, Buzz cut, Pixie cut, which is very short.

The color of the brown ombre hair is also a seed such as turnover. Most also choose the color of the red hair which is quite a model now starting to apply the ombre style or Highlight.

An example of the color of the Blue Ombre hair is indeed a mainstay because the gradation of the color makes many women fascinated. The following Lavavela Look will provide some advice for the Ombre of Short Rame Sebahu Blue for you:

Dark Blue to Light Blue

Dark Blue to Light Blue - pinterest (

The idea of blue hair is dark blue to light blue. Pretty interesting isn't it? If most people choose to wear dark colors like black in the root component. Even though the middle component to the end uses a brilliant color. The idea, this one is proof, does not involve black in color, it is even dark blue.

Choosing to use the turnover type, this means showing the appearance between dark blue and light. The hair root component will be painted in dark blue even though the middle to the end will use a light color. Thus it can make the hair color clear when flowing downwards. It can be likened to a waterfall.

Navy Blue Ombre Hair

The next recommendation is the Navy blue turnover hair. The turnover is usually done using various techniques. Where one of the techniques is liquid turnover. Where the different hair colors will be combined using the method by melting it and allowing it to flow freely. The colors used are even varied.

You can also choose any color. Get the green color allocated at the ends of the hair so that it looks like a dugong tail. Then the middle component can use blue so it will look like a wave. The combination of the two colors will bring Marsha Lova to dream as if she is swimming at the bottom of the deep and wide ocean.

Teal Blue Ombre Bob

Then, the Ombre with short blue hair that you can try is Teal blue turnover Bob. You don't have to doubt the color of this short turnover hair. By choosing the use of this hairstyle, you will also accept the sweet impression. Besides that, the face structure will also appear more visible.

Bob-type haircuts if given a touch of blue will appear to be even more maximal. Not to mention if you mix it with a dark color on the upper component. The blue color can be combined with other dark colors like Ungu. Then purple and blue itself become two color combinations that make you look elegant and fantastic. Regarding the tidying system, you can carry some hair because it really gives a funny impression.

So after knowing the blue hair short hair turnover model, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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