Orine In The Feet With Herbal Medicine And How To ERADICATE The Pain
Illustration of gout in the feet (Pexels/Miriam Alonso)


YOGYAKARTA Gout attacks on your feet can interfere with daily activities. The pain can make sufferers not only feel uncomfortable, but can make it difficult for sufferers to walk a little. To overcome this, you can take uric acid drugs on your feet and stay away from foods that are taboo from gout sufferers.

As is known, gout is a health disorder in the form of joint inflammation that causes pain and discomfort in certain body parts. These diseases usually attack certain points such as fingers, wrists, and knees.

The cause of gout in the legs is the high amount of gout in the blood that accumulates in the joints and then has an impact on inflammation and the emergence of pain. The signs and symptoms of gout usually start from the heat, itching, or sneering in the joints. To relieve it, here are herbal foods that can be consumed.

This plant has many names such as kutum, spider flower, cassava, cat mustache, koceng songot, to cat misai. In Indonesia, the cat mustache is used as a uric reliever and several other diseases. The way to cure uric acid with a cat mustache is to consume cat mustache water regularly.

The presence of flavonoids, phenolics, and kafetic acid in the cat's mustache can be an obstacle to the formation of gout.

These leaves can be easily found by the public, both in markets and vegetable stores. Saun salaries contain antioxidants such as tannins and flavonoids that are useful for relieve gout. In addition, the pathenolide compound in greetings can also be used as anti-inflammatory, thus helping to relieve inflammation. The way to treat gout with greeting leaves is to eat the boiled water.

You can also use celery to relieve gout. This can happen because of calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, glycosida, apiin, apiol, and phalvonoid. In addition, Glikosida also helps overcome joint problems caused by gout. The way to cure gout with celery is to eat two to three times a day.

Apart from herbal medicine, pain caused by gout can be slightly reduced in the following ways.

You can consume a lot of water when you feel the symptoms of gout. When drinking water, many kidneys will release the excess fluids he receives. This indirectly helps reduce swelling caused by gout.

Quoting Arthritis Health, the first step that can be done to help relieve gout pain quickly is to take a nonsteroid anti-inflammatory pain reliever (NSAID). You can buy a mother or naproxen at the nearest pharmacy.

Rock ice will help reduce pain in the joints. The trick is to wrap ice cubes in a towel and then attach them to a painful joints for a few minutes. This method is temporary. You are still advised to go to the doctor for a check-up.

A reliever of gout pain in the leg, one of which can be by placing the feet on a pillow or a place that is higher than the heart. This is done to reduce swelling due to gout.

Those are some gout drugs in the legs. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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