
JAKARTA - One of the important points to controlling diabetes is regular exercise. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause complications such as kidney disorders, strokes to heart attacks. Therefore it is important to take precautions with exercise.

WHO recommendations regarding the total duration of physical activity for healthy people aged 18-64 years are 150 minutes per week, this also applies to diabetics. Sports medicine specialist from Pondok Indah Hospital, Bintaro Jaya dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, Sp. KO says there are many benefits of exercising regularly for people with diabetes, including controlling blood sugar levels, increasing insulin sensitivity, improving blood fat profiles, lowering body fat percentage, lowering and controlling blood pressure, increasing muscle strength, muscle resistance, and joint movement space, increasing propisceptiveness, preventing peripheral neuropathy, to improving fitness and quality of life.

However, there are several signs that people with diabetes need to pay attention to before starting exercise.

"Penggan diabetes yang baru memulai olahraga dapat melakukan latihan aerobik dengan intensitas sedang seperti berjalan kaki atau bisentasi yang dipadukan dengan latihan kekuatan otoritas," ujar dr. Antonius dalam rilis Rabu, 7 Desember.

Furthermore, dr. Antonius explained that the combination of aerobics and muscle strength exercises can be more useful in controlling blood sugar levels to remain stable.

In addition, flexibility exercises such as Yoga and pilates can also be done at any time. Before exercising, people with diabetes are expected to consult a doctor first.

"Make sure blood sugar levels remain normal during exercise, warm up before exercising and cooling down after exercise. Also make sure your fluid intake is sufficient and don't force yourself, stop when you're too tired," said dr. Antonius.

Not only routine exercise, but it is also necessary to control diabetes to regulate diet. Because blood sugar levels can cause various disorders in the body, both in large blood vessels, small blood vessels, and also nerves.

"If not controlled, high blood sugar levels can cause health problems and fatal complications," said an endocrinological, metabolic, and diabetes specialist at Pondok Indah Hospital, Bintaro Jaya, dr. Leny Puspitasari, Sp. PD-KEMD.

Setting a diet is an important point in controlling diabetes. This can be realized by applying 4J, namely: Types of food, amount or portion of food, meal schedule, and cooking style.

People with diabetes are still allowed to eat carbohydrates, it's just that the type of carbohydrate must be chosen wisely. Choose complex and natural carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes and avoid flour and foods that contain sugar.

For protein, you should choose one that contains a little fat. The amount or portion of eating is also a point that needs to be considered in the settings of eating.

In order to keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, the meal schedule must be regular, for example with three main meals and three short foods.

"Don't forget, choose the right cooking moves, avoid processing food by frying. The recommended food treatment for people with diabetes is treatment with tumis, kuah, steaming, roasting, or burning," said dr.Dina Felicia Suganda, Sp. GK, M.Kes as a clinical nutrition specialist.

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