Knowing The Meaning Of The Marriage Decomposition Ornament Of Kaesang Pangarep And Erina Gudono, Bernuansa Mataram Islam
Illustration of wedding decoration ornaments of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono (Source: Instagram/@kaesangp)


YOGYAKARTA The wedding of Kaesang Pangarep, the son of President Jokowi and Mrs. Iriana, with Erina Gudono being held in the near future. Preparations have started in advance, including preparing ornaments for wedding decorations. Based on leaks from decoration arrangements, at the Mantu download event which was held on December 11, 2022 in Puro Mangkunegaran, Surakarta, with the nuances Mataram Islam.

Curious about decorative ornaments for fanfare at the wedding ceremony of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono, check the explanation of the following meaning.

Order is a procession that goes hand in hand regularly in a series of traditional, religious, and so on ceremonies. Generally, the procession is held for important events related to heirlooms, sacred objects, to delivering brides. In the context of Kaesang and Erina's marriage, the kirab took a departure point from Loji Gandrung to Puro Mangkunegaran, Solo.

The wedding of the presidential bride and daughter of the professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM was held in two cities, namely Yogyakarta and Solo. Therefore, the wedding decorations also took the theme Mataram Islam.

The wedding decoration arrangements for Kaesang and Erina are the Asmoro Decoration team. To this day, the decoration arrangement said the progress was ready 90 percent. The arrangement that is being completed is the work on gebyok ornaments.

Gebyok, in Javanese society, is known as a partitioner of a room made of wood. In the wedding, the gebyok was the background of the bride and the bride's companion's seat. Quoting the social media decoration arrangement Asmoro Decoration, the ornaments were colored with black base color with gold yellow decorations.

Ornament combines Yogyakarta and Solo styles in the era of Mataram Islam. By carving, it describes a more complex ornament of Solo towards fauna, such as tigers, birds, and deer. While Yogyakarta ornaments are simpler and are widely taken with a picture of flora, such asamar leaves.

Overall, it combines the flora and fauna ornaments with the Javanese Classic Mataram Islam nuances. According to Ranu Asmoro, the work since a month and a half ago and handmade has been assisted by traditional artists, craftsmen, and contemporary artists. Historical values are attached to the symbols of Kaesang and Erina wedding ornaments. Because according to Ranu, the Javanese Classical Mataram Islam period at that time contributed to the unification of the archipelago.

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