
JAKARTA - The treatment of faces and skin does not only belong to women, men must not miss taking care of themselves seriously. The problem is, many men do not understand how good and right to take care of themselves. Not infrequently, men are consumed by various myths. VOI, launched WebMD, Tuesday, December 6, thoroughly explored the myths about male skincare that need to be known below.

It should be noted that oily skin areas in men are only located on the face, not all over the body. So, just like men's body women also need additional moisture from body lotions to avoid dryness and scaly. Use a body lotion with a thicker formula to moisturize the whole body. As for the face, look for moisturizers with oil free labels.

The appearance of blackheads around the nose does not look at the skin types of men or women. It's just that, why do blackheads in men look like more because men rarely clean them. While women will do everything they can to get rid of blackheads including squeezing them. Blackhead squeezing is not a good idea because it can leave scars and cause more acne. Salicilat acid in facial soap, scrubs, or masks can remove dead oils and skin that cause blackheads.

Moisturizers and anti-aging creams are made for men and women. Dermatologists say that the moisture of the skin needs to be maintained by everyone. Because men tend to have oilier skin than women. So gels or serums with mild consistency are suitable for daily use than creams or thick lotions. To overcome wrinkles and fine lines, look for anti-aging products that contain retinol,mulberry, Vitamin C, or niacinamide.

Men tend to have elbows and knees blacker or scaly than women. Because they don't use lotions often so that the skin becomes dry. Even with women, if you don't diligently apply lotion, your elbows and knees will blacken.

Many doctors say that the use of sunscreen is mandatory for everyone. The reason is, five minutes of sun exposure can add significant skin damage. For daily indoor protection, you can use a moisturizer with a built-in SPF content. Meanwhile, if your daily activities tend to be outdoors, use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher and apply it again every two hours.

If you have a very rough beard, the thing that will make the beard look softer when touched is to let it grow long. Short hair, such as beards, is not as flexible as long hair, so it feels rougher when touched.

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