
JAKARTA - Eight hours of sleep is often underestimated by many people. Not a few people sacrifice their bedtime to do activities that are liked. Even though enough sleep is needed by everyone.

Every human being needs at least eight hours of sleep to maintain their health. What are the benefits of sleeping for those eight hours?

To help ward off disease, the immune system identifies bacteria and viruses that are harmful in the body and then destroys them. Often lack of sleep changes the way your immune cells work, according to WebMD, Monday, December 5. These cells can work more slowly against disease so you get sick more often. If you don't want this to happen, then use your rest time well.

While sleeping, the amount of glucose in your blood also decreases. When you don't get enough sleep, it means that your body doesn't get a break to reset the amount of blood glucose. As a result, the body will find it more difficult to respond to the needs of cells and blood sugar levels. If you want to be free from type 2 diabetes, in addition to maintaining a diet, try to also meet your sleep needs.

Another thing the brain does when the body sleeps is process emotions. Your mind takes this time to recognize and react in the right way. When you shorten sleep, you tend to have more negative emotional reactions and fewer positive reactions.

Lack of chronic sleep can also increase the chance of experiencing mood disorders. One study shows that people with insomnia five times more likely to experience depression and panic or anxiety disorders than people who get enough sleep.

Maintained conditions make your blood pressure decrease so that your heart and blood vessels get longer rest time. The less sleep you get, the longer your blood pressure lasts during a 24-hour cycle. High blood pressure can cause heart disease, including stroke.

A sufficient rest can suppress your hunger. While lack of sleep disrupts the leptin and ghrelin hormones in the brain that function to control your appetite. Hormological imbalance makes it difficult for you to hold back your appetite.

Lack of sleep makes it difficult for you to remember the details of a thing. It's because sleep plays a big role in remembering and learning. Without enough sleep, it's hard to focus and receive new information. Your brain also doesn't have enough time to keep memories right so you forget easily.

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