
YOGYAKARTA Many daily routine activities, which you may have done, but the benefits are not realized. This activity, useful for helping the brain release dopamine. Dopamine, is a chemical that contributes to creating a sense of comfort and is produced by the brain. The point is, this chemical compound makes you feel happy.

The director of neurology and professor of neurology at Ohio State University Taxner Medical Center, doctor Kiran F. Rajneesh, said that certain activities participate in helping the brain release large numbers of dopamine. Throughout evolution, dopamine is tasked with feeling awards, studying places and activities that lead to awards and also motivating you to get awards, added doctor Hitoshi Morikawa, professor of association in the department of science, neuroscience, and psychiatry at the University of Texas, Austin.

So, what activity can help the brain release dopamine? Here's the list.

In prehistoric understanding, eating is necessary to survive. But also for activating dopamine or award sensors. In fact, Rajneesh said that any activity that protects revolutionaryally and is important for our well-being and survival with the release of dopamine.

When you look at it, a glass of water feels like a gift, so it's no wonder it can also trigger the release of dopamine in the brain. Launching Huffpost, Monday, December 5, not all water splashes can release dopamine. On the other hand, you have to really want or need water, such as after exercising or on hot days.

One very common way to release dopamine is when praising children for good behavior, Rajneesh said. Praise sparked the release of dopamine in children's brains, and the same goes for praising pets.

Many studies have measured and found that playing games results in the release of dopamine in the brain for some people, Morikawa said. Although playing games is not a bad thing, it can be negative if it is too much fun. You shouldn't really be attracted to this activity, because it can reduce the quality of happiness.

For those of you who have committed or partnered, having sex causes the release of endorphins, such as the presentation of orthopedic sports medicine surgeons in Yale, Dr. Elizabeth C. Gardner. Morikawa added, that during the evolution of the dopaminergegic system was developed to promote the survival and maintenance of the human species. In other words, there are subtle reasons why sex is so tempting.

The brain is connected to know that sex is important to survive, and neurons that release dopamine do it when they feel the reward associated with the action.

Meditation is one of the activities that can cause the release of dopamine. In addition, you can yoga, pursue hobbies, and exercise. Even this activity can improve your sense of welfare as naturally desired.

Those are the six activities helping to remove dopamine in the brain. Is there anything you do as daily activity? You can do one of them to increase comfort, self-appreciation, and happiness.

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