
YOGYAKARTA Talks about feelings not about a melancholic atmosphere and complains. But research shows that parents who encourage their children to talk about feelings, such as anger and sadness, are more likely to raise tough children.

The research was conducted by researchers at the Emory University Center for Myth and Ritual in American Life. The results of the study were concluded based on the findings of family conversations in the Atlanta area about negative events such as death. In this study, children struggle to understand what is happening. More than that, children also have better self-esteem and are more socially proficient.

In discussing negative events, people often remember things differently and they don't agree how it happened. But by talking and discussing feelings, they have different perspectives. This is because it gives children the opportunity to learn how to listen and listen. Children also learn how to associate differences of opinion. Here are some tips on getting used to children open about their feelings for parents.

Introducing expressions and feelings is the first thing parents need to do. Like recognizing how happy, angry, disappointed, to sad. Listen to them when they are early. If done continuously, they will be open about their feelings until they grow up later.

Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, December 4, children may be talking at the end of the day when you are tired. But even if you feel tired, keep accompanying them and don't miss the opportunity to communicate.

ERADICATING or giving value to feelings, like this bad or good, makes a person defensive. Children will also be defensive if their feelings are judged. When they are often judged, they do not communicate their feelings anymore and are more closed.

Feelings can be free of value during good behavior. So, let the kids speak even when you don't want to listen to what he says. When they're honest, don't get bullied.

If you ask a question, start with the words'TELL me' or 'how'. This encourages a child to be specific and reduce the chances of him closing himself off.

Parents need to have emotional intelligence not to be reactive to their child's openness about their feelings. Stay calm and if you have something to say, think about it first. Well, when your child tells you something surprising, don't show your surprise. Otherwise, he will stop communicating forever.

This tip is aimed at maintaining emotional closeness between parents and their children. There is no need for complicated things, just walking, exercising, or doing other daily activities.

New experiences don't just change lives. Trying a new menu at a restaurant or taking a walk to a new place also records new experiences for you and your kids. You need to know, new experiences will help inspire discussion and open communication with children.

Children sitting at the family dining table three to four times a week are less likely to smoke, drink, and use drugs than children eating alone. They also have better grades and have fewer emotional problems.

Those are tips that you can practice getting used to open children about their feelings. Have you been through one of them?

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