
YOGYAKARTA How to get rid of stone acne that appears in the face area needs to be considered. The reason is, the appearance of stone acne often causes pain and discomfort. In addition, stone acne also often disturbs appearance because it has large measurements, contains pus, and is reddish in color.

Before discussing how to get rid of stone acne, knowing the causes and characteristics of stone acne appear on the facial skin.

Quoted by VOI from Cleavland Clinic, Saturday, December 3, 2022, stone acne can appear because the pores of the skin are clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells.

bacteria can enter the pores of the skin and are trapped along with these oils and skin cells. This condition causes inflammation in the middle layer of the skin (dermis). Well, the infected lump, red, is referred to as an acne cyst (cystic acne).

Causes of stone acne include:

Cires of Stone Acne

Kistic acne or stone acne has several characteristics, such as:

This type of acne more often appears on the face which has many oil glands. However, this large, red acne can also attack other areas, namely:

How to Remove Stone Acne

How to get rid of stone acne can be done by visiting a dermatologist rather than trying acne products that are sold freely. The reason is, acne cysts can cause scars.

By visiting a doctor, you will be able to find out how to treat stone acne.

It takes three months or more to clean the acne cyst. Treatment often involves drinking oral antibiotics and applying topical gels or creams prescribed by a dermatologist.

The treatment of stone acne includes:

In addition, critical acne treatment can also be done by:

Just for additional information, the drugs used to get rid of characteristic acne cannot be purchased freely at pharmacies. You must have a prescription from a doctor if you want to access these drugs.

How to Prevent the Emergence of Stone Acne

You can lower the risk of getting acne by taking the following steps:

That's the information about how to get rid of characteristic acne. Hopefully useful!

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