
YOGYAKARTA Cats are carnivorous animals, even so they still need fiber. Fiber food references for cats, according to studies, apples can be an option. Apples are one of the most popular fruits that can be found anywhere and anytime.

In various varieties, it is necessary to choose which one a cat can eat the most. But it should be noted, that stems, leaves, and apples contain a chemical called amygdalin. This chemical releases cyanide, which has the potential to shorten life when entering the bloodstream. To develop cyanide poisoning, not in small amounts. It takes 83-500 apple seeds.

To give it to cats, avoid the seeds, leaves, and stems. It is also important to note how much portion a cat gets.

Apples don't contain a lot of protein and don't contain taurin at all. Cats can't synthesize taurin, so they need fiber food. Because apples are high in fiber, it can also help cats overcome diarrhea attacks. But too much fiber can also cause digestive problems in cats. That means, giving cats a moderate amount.

In addition, research reported by The Spruce Pets, Tuesday, November 29, researched the dry pomace apple made specifically for cats. This dry apple ramp, is a by-product of apple products processing, including apple juice, juice, and vinegar. From this study, it shows that apple grounds can reduce the retail power of rough protein in cat food. This means it can make it difficult for cats to digest protein in their food.

A piece of apple for a cat, it's okay as long as it's fresh and small. Although cooked apples are easier to digest and digest cats, additional sugar makes the cat's digestion unhealthy. In more detail, it's better to give fiber food to cats that don't interfere with digestion. Even if possible, you can give a small piece of apple to enjoy it. Because small raw apples do not have a bad effect on the digestion of carnivorous animals like cats.

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