
YOGYAKARTA In everyday life, there are many things that cannot be controlled. It's just that, we can control emotions for a maintained mood. According to science, research from kiosk Boemo et al., in August 2022 from School of Psychology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, is that the strategy for regulating emotions and moods is closely related.

The strategy of regulating emotions is carried out adaptively and maladaptively. Adaptive behavior, is a behavior that develops according to demands determined by a person's mental, motor and social development. Meanwhile, maladaptive behavior is behavior that is not included in the category of environmental demands. The five strategies for regulating emotions, among them, are as follows.

Receiving unpleasant facts or situations, of course requires emotional maturity. Sometimes, emotional reactions run in the opposite direction, but controlling emotions that are uncomfortable in dealing with situations is one of the strategies to accept unpleasant situations and facts.

Illustration of the strategy of regulating emotions (Unsplash/Lea Dobedout)

Disrupting attention, maybe a departure strategy. In the context of managing emotions, diverting attention from sources of stress and not doing stressful activities, it could be a strategy you know. But you need to know very well the trigger that causes an unpleasant mood.

Instead of avoiding problems, it's better to solve these problems. These efforts need to be made consciously in order to change the stressful situation or its consequences by finding effective solutions.

Refracating and reinterpreting unpleasant events can change its meaning. What initially built hostilities, for example, with a repreisal strategy you can see them neutrally or positively. For example, launching Psychology Today, Sunday, November 27, seeing something not as a problem but as a challenge or opportunity.

Mining, according to Arash Emamzadeh's review, a US-based clinical psychologist, has proven to increase vulnerability to depression. That is, focusing and repeatedly thinking about events that disturb the mood, it is necessary to rethink it as a strategy to regulate emotions. However, everyone needs to learn from past experiences.

Furthermore, because contemplation can actually raise concerns. Over and over again, often out of control and related to negative emotions. Although sometimes misguided, basically diverting attention, reflection, and worry are efforts to solve problems.

Based on research data analysis conducted by Boemo reported by Emamzadeh, positive and negative emotional setting strategies are relatively independent. Through the above strategy, it is predicted that it can increase positive emotions or at least reduced negative emotions.

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