
YOGYAKARTA In maintaining health, there are essential nutrients that the body needs and are obtained from the food consumed. The function of this sixth adequacy of nutrition is to support overall reproduction, growth, and health.

In the type of nutrition, it is divided into micronutrients and macronutrients. Macronutrients are the nutrients that a person needs in greater numbers. This type of nutrition includes water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. While micronutrients, are the nutrients needed in small doses but if less can cause a decline in health. Here are the nutrients, both micronutrients and macronutrients that need to be met from daily foods.

The majority of experts recommend running a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and fat-free protein to meet vitamin needs. Vitamins include micronutrients, which help boost the immune system, prevent chronic diseases, strengthen teeth and ticketing, help absorb calcium, and work metabolism.

Launching Medical News Today, Thursday, November 24, there are 13 essential vitamins divided into two groups. Namely vitamins that are dissolved in fat and insoluble. Vitamins that are dissolved in fat, among others, vitamins A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. While vitamins that are not dissolved in fat, are complex B vitamins and vitamin C. For those of you who consume a lot of fruit and vegetables, the need for vitamins may be met. But for those who consume a little natural food, it is necessary to add supplements so that vitamin needs are met.

Still included in the category of micronutrients, there are two groups of minerals, namely the main minerals and trace minerals. Both are needed by the body in a balanced manner. For the main minerals, the body requires magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, and chloride. The adequacy of this main mineral helps the body to balance water levels, maintain skin health, hair, and nails, and maintain bone health.

While trace minerals, among others, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, chromium, copper, iodine, fluorine, and molybdenum. Extensive this type of mineral, helps strengthen bones, prevents damage to teeth, helps blood clots, maintain healthy blood pressure, and supports the immune system.

Including macronutrients that each cell in the body needs to work properly. Proteins are also related to muscle formation, forming antibody, hormones, and functioning as fuel for cells and tissues. There are so many sources of food rich in protein, including red meat, poultry, fish, nuts, eggs, dairy products, eggs, soybeans, and seeds.

Make no mistake, fat is often associated with poor foods and needs to be avoided. But on the one hand, fat is needed by the body to carry out various functions. That is, you need to choose fat in a healthy diet. Such as single unsaturated and double unsaturated fat in a limited amount.

Fat is needed by the body for cell growth, blood clots, building new cells, reducing the risk of disease, muscle movement, brain function, hormone production, and immune function. Healthy fat, can be obtained from fish, such as salmon and tuna.

Carbohidra is sugar or starch that provides energy for all cells and tissues in the body. There are two types of carbohydrates, namely simple and complex carbohydrates. You need to limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates and you can have more complex carbohydrates. Foods that are high in simple carbohydrates, among others, white bread, pasta, and rice.

Complex carbohydrates are mostly contained in red rice, wheat seeds, vegetables, wheat paste, fruits, hadrmut, jelai, and wheat seeds. Extensive carbohydrates, used by the body to carry out functions, such as the immune system, brain function, nervous system, energy for activities, and digestive function.

A person can survive longer without eating, but without drinking water it will be difficult to survive. Even when experiencing mild dehydration, a person can have headaches, physical and mental disorders. Because each human body is mostly made up of water, it meets the essential water needs. Its function is to dispose of toxins, transport nutrients, prevent constipation, and hydrate. Well, the best water source, and drink mineral water without additional sweeteners.

Those are the six nutrients the body needs. For more specific needs, such as for diet purposes or preventing certain diseases from recurring, you need to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

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