
YOGYAKARTA - lobster cultivation is a very promising business choice. Because processed food from lobsters is popular with many people. Moreover, lobster culinary is usually sold at high prices.

Currently, the type of lobster that is quite tempting to cultivate is freshwater lobsters. This type of lobster has a selling price of around Rp. 150-000-Rp. 300,000 per kilogram. Garine lobster cultivation can be done by utilizing the land around the house and on a small scale.

Many people like to eat lobster because of its delicious taste. Many lobster culinary delights are also sold in both elite restaurants and street vendors. Its fans who often use lobster cultivation as a source of money or lucrative business.

There are several steps that need to be prepared for freshwater lobster cultivation. The preparation process starts from making the media, selecting seeds, to the treatment process.

Making media for freshwater lobster cultivation can be done easily. The necessary ingredients are also easy to obtain. The necessary containers, including cement ponds, aquariums, fiberglass or plastic tubs, and supporting equipment. The use of fiberglass materials is the same as aquariums. However, fiberglass is more resistant or not easily broken.

The use of aquariums for cultivation can match the size of the place you have. For example, an aquarium can be made with a length of 1 meter, width of 0.5 meters, and height of 0.4 meters. The height in the aquarium, which is a maximum of 30 cm. The Aquarium with this size is sufficient to live in one master package, namely 5 females and 3 males or 100 1-inch seed.

Meanwhile, the manufacture of cement ponds costs a lot more. Usually in the cultivation of household-scale freshwater lobsters, cement ponds are only used for the mother colony for enlargement.

The cement pool for breeding is made with a size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm with a water height of about 30 cm. For an enlargement pond can be made with a size of 2 x 1 x 1 m or 1 x 1 m, with a water level of 30-40 cm. The pool can be used for an enlargement of 50-100 1-inch seed.

Garin lobster cultivation using aquariums and cement ponds requires supporting equipment. The equipment needed to support the processing process, including hiding holes using paralon pipes, bamboo pieces, rapia ropes, ijuk, tiles, bamboo, and others. In addition, an operator is also needed to supply oxygen and maintain water quality.

Water suitable for lobster cultivation can use ground water, PAM water, or river water. If using groundwater, it is better to deposit water for 24 hours so that oxygen levels can increase too much. The use of PAM water also needs to be deposited for 24 hours so that chlorine and its caporite evaporate.

The lobster pond used to raise seeds needs to be maintained in temperature. The temperature for this pond is 24 to 31 degrees Celsius and the pH level is 6-8. Owners can use a thermometer to monitor temperature.

The life of the mother lobster needs to be considered because it has an important role in the process of restructuring. The quality of the lobster seeds produced is greatly influenced by the mother. For freshwater lobster cultivation, five master packages consisting of 25 females and 15 males are usually provided.

Good or quality lobster mothers have some characteristics. Quality parent has the fastest growth. In addition, the mother also has a large appetite, agile movements, bright colors. A mother with a large head and a small body is not recommended for cleaning because it indicates lack of food.

The mother lobster can be colonized when it is 10-12 months old. It can also be characterized by a body size that reaches 15-17 cm. The occupation process is marked by the appearance of eggs in the mother's abdomen. The female mother is then incubated to the egg treatment container.

Female and male mothers will be colonized and placed in an aquarium measuring 40 x 40 x 30 cm with a water level of 20 cm. The reservoir used for breeding needs to be installed a paralon pipe for hiding or shelter. The hiding place must be adjusted to the number and size of the progenitor.

The determination of eggs can be done in an aquarium or plastic tub with a size of 1 x 1 x 1 m with a water level of 0.5 m. The size of the reservoir can accommodate 400 seeds or 2 female mothers.

Akuarium for egg determination needs to be given a paralon pipe for hiding places and hatching seeds. The temperature of the container must be maintained always stable during the incubation and demarcation process.

After one month, seeds or cubs have been perfectly formed to hatch. However, the cub is still attached to the mother. The cub will be released gradually, within 2-3 days all the seeds have been separated from the mother's body.

Newly hatched seeds or cubs are placed in a hatchling pond. After 10 days, seeds are transferred to a dederating pond. Maintenance is carried out for one month. Seeds need to be protected so they are not exposed to the sun directly because their growth is very sensitive to changes in temperature.

Seeds begin to grow with a head shell and a body shell after 8-15 days of age. After 1 minggi, seeds can be given additional feed in the form of silkworms, peanut flour, shrimp meat, shrimp pellets. The seeds can be harvested at the age of 70 days with a length of 5 cm.

That is a guide for freshwater lobster cultivation that can be done at home or on limited land. Maintenance of freshwater lobsters needs to pay attention to supporting equipment and each processing of improvement, starting from the construction of ponds, occupation, to control of pests.

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