
JAKARTA - How do you know a man who will be your partner is ready to love you wholeheartedly? Launching Insensir Tips, Tuesday, November 22, the trick is to see the stability of his emotions. As a partner, the man should not be indifferent to your needs. However, if your partner's emotions are not stable, this can be difficult.

If you want to know the signs of a man who is not emotionally stable, keep reading this article to completion, yes.

Low self-esteem can be caused by emotional damage and other factors such as introvertial or social anxiety. Due to the difficult separation in previous relationships, male self-confidence can be low. This may make him question whether you, his current partner, are really interested in him.

Emotional pressure is one of the causes of mood swings. Therefore, if a man has an unpredictable character, it may be caused by his unstable emotions. It's no surprise that in a fraction of a second, he's a fun person, but suddenly he can be an annoying person. In fact, you find it hard to believe that this is still the same person before.

Another sign of a man who is not emotionally stable is that he likes to offend people, either through his actions or words. He is insensitive to other people's feelings. He likes to force his ideas, even breaking other people's thoughts and beliefs. This could be a defense mechanism so that people don't hurt him.

When a man with emotions who is not stable gets angry, he tends to do abusive behavior. He can verbally and emotionally offend. Worse, he can commit violence to physically hurt someone. If so, it's better to help this man get professional attention to overcome it. However, if he has hurt you emotionally, psychologically, and physically especially physically, it's better to leave him. You have to keep yourself safe from him.

Even though he has been in a relationship for a long time, an emotionally unstable man will not commit further. Even though he is interested in you, unfortunately he is afraid to make a commitment. He only dared to promise but could not keep it. If you and your partner have been together for a long time, but until now your relationship has not led to more serious progress, then it could be that your partner is not yet stable.

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