
YOGYAKARTA Being someone who is pessimistic, of course on the one hand is profitable because it relates to planning or more mature planning. But it turns out, people who are optimistic are actually healthier physically than pessimism, which is often overthinking.

In a positive context, optimism is translated into positive hope. Although positive is sometimes unrealistic, for example in someone suffering from severe illness without medication. But confidence in self-capacity and being optimistic, helping to control and manage the problem. Launching a review by psychology professor at the University of Southern California, Derby Saxbe, Ph.D., maintaining an optimistic balance vs pessimistic is highly recommended. But the proof converges to show that optimism can increase beneficial health outcomes.

Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, November 21, researchers from the University of Kansas and Carnegie Mellon University conducted a meta-analysis of 83 published studies. Based on data from thousands of people, they concluded that optimism is attributed to the benefits of survival, pain management, immune function, cardiovascular function, and physical function. These relationships are applicable from a wide range of patients, including those suffering from cancer, HIV/AIDS, other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis rheumatoid, and multiple sclerosis and large surgery.

Medically, researchers have not found how optimism helps to withstand the negative effects of physical illness. It is likely due to the existence of a network of psychological, contextual, and neurobiological factors. All three affect each other so as to encourage a person's ability to adapt and seek meaning when experiencing difficulties.

Optimism is also seen as greater self-appreciation, can rely on others when facing challenges, and the growth of strength they are not aware of. Positive effects of optimism include renewing views, health of relationships, quality of life, values, and priorities in the face of difficult reality.

Optimism and pessimism, according to Saxbe, is a continuum, not a dichotomy. The dichotomy means a division of the whole into two. Meanwhile, the continuum is an unbroken series. Furthermore, Saxbe's explanation, when someone is pessimistic, cannot automatically become optimistic. One may be optimistic about the relationship but pessimistic about writing ability.

In a series of therapies, recommended by researchers from Maastrict University, the Netherlands, shows that optimism can work to maximize quality of life. That doesn't mean eliminating fully pessimisticism, but more positive thinking.

Close Saxbe, not to do bad things is not the same as doing good things. If you are often pessimistic, try to take advantage of the opportunities to adapt to the difficulties faced by not only optimistic thinking but doing good things for yourself.

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