
JAKARTA - The Japanese film titled Wandering or The Wandering Moon, which is based on the novel made by running Nagira, is legally through the streaming platform KlikFilm. This film is the work of filmmaker Sang Il Lee.

The film Wandering tells the story of a 19-year-old man, Fumi Saeki (Tori Matsuzaka) meets Sarasa Kanai (Samaki Shiratori) who doesn't dare to go home. It rained heavily. Fumi sheltered Sarasa with an umbrella and then offered to take shelter in her house.

One day, while playing in the lake, the police arrested Fumi. Sarasa is returned to the family. This separation took place dramatically. Fumi was brought to court on charges of being a pedophile.

Now, 15 years have passed. Sarasa (Suzu Hirose) who works in a restaurant is ready to marry the son of a rich man, Ryo (Ryusei Yokohama). One night, Sarasa was invited by her co-worker, Kanako (Shiri)gopy in a shop in an unusual atmosphere.

Interested, both of them have coffee together. It would be shocking that Sarasa knew the shop owner was Fumi, who now did not recognize him. Curious, Sarasa investigated the man from the past.

Presenting three new stars namelyyangu Hirose, Tori Matsuzaka, and Ryusei Yokohama, Wandering has actually been released in his home country in May 2022 and has received positive criticism from film watchers.

Despite presenting new players, the film Wandering is still supported by the best people in its field. Among them are, the music band is dipoles Marihiko Hara, and the cinematography is directed by Hong Kyung Pyo who is worldwide with Paraasite, the best film Oscar 2020.

The shop, which is built with a backward flow, effectively locks the attention of the audience. The reason is, the Wanderingtype of the film does not explain who the protagonist and antagonist are. The past was a character like the formation of onions. Tipis. Vulnerable tearing. Layed.

The more you look, the more you can't hold back your tears. The reason is, Wandering is a meeting of people with dark life. Even Ryo, who is classy, is no less dark. Kanako, who was very happy, turned out to be single parent and chose to enjoy the extreme path.

This bitter people meeting created a time bomb that was ready to explode in the final round. The flow of this film is slow but detailed. The case went up the stairs until it looked down, was framed carefully and given time to build a mood.

Il Lee's competitiveness makes the essence of the world of Wandering through cinematography that tends to be dim. The afternoon is made gloomy because it is cloudy. Senja never appears with a sunsetd solar landscape. The flag appears only suddenly.

The image obtained from visuals like this is that poetry tends to be painful. This condition forces viewers who are accustomed to the flow of the characters. This technique is successful. The reason is, the audience is positioned not 100 percent to know the character.

In fact, 15 minutes before the story ends, viewers just found out what really happened to Fumi. You were placed as a key witness. The people around the main characters don't even know the details of the incident. This is your tough task

Interestingly this film, my parents Nagira and Sang Il Lee are not sided with key characters in Wandering. They are objective by not confirming (allegation) pedophilia.

Staying obedient to love while empathizing with the psychological conditions of the three main characters. At the end, Sang Il Lee lets the figures release the burden of life because basically every person has the right to be happy in their own way.

Wandering uses family dysfunction, the bitterness of life, the complexity of love, self-recognition, the pursuit of happiness, and most importantly: a firm attitude against all forms of violence.

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