
JAKARTA - The closeness of Fuji and Tariq Halilintar has always caught the attention of netizens. Most recently, when Fuji was not present at Atta Halilintar's birthday, netizens also discussed this as if they emphasized that Gen Halilintar's blessing was not yet for Fuji and Tariq.

Tariq suspects that Fuji will be a byword because he was not present at the event, thus making a clarification on Instagram Story. "Honestly I thought this would be a byword or a means to blaspheme," wrote Tariq Halilintar on Instagram Stories, on Monday, November 21.

Tariq admitted that so far he really wanted to introduce Fuji to his family. However, this cannot be done and Tariq also does not know the reason his family has not been able to meet Fuji.

"As a boy until this moment, I want to be anywhere to introduce a woman who he believes to be his wife in the future meets her parents and all of her siblings and accepts her well," said Tariq.

"I don't know for sure why until now they are not willing, not my domain either to answer why," he continued.

The 23-year-old man also explained the reasons for not inviting Fuji to his brother's birthday party. According to him, the event was specifically for Atta and there was no discomfort from some parties.

"Yesterday was Atta's birthday night, the person I care about the most. I don't want someone to stop coming or make the event uncomfortable because I just force my will. I don't want to corner any party at all," he said.

Furthermore, Tariq asked netizens not to mind Fuji's absence again. He hopes to be given the freedom to live his life and determine his future.

"But I really hope there won't be any more noise about this. Let all the processes of my life go through and I am very ready to take responsibility for my own future," concluded Tariq Halilintar.

This Thariq clarification also received various comments from netizens, especially after re-uploading the gossip account @nyinyir_update_official. Many netizens suspect that Gen Halilintar's family will not be present at the event if Fuji also comes.

"From Tariq's explanation, I can point out that if there is Fuji at the event, his family will definitely not come," commented netizens.

"He didn't invite Fuji so his family would come?" said another quoted from ERA.

"It looks like the family is voters, just be strong for Fuji," continued another.

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