
JAKARTA - After six years later from the first season, Check Shop Next to 2 finally can be confirmed to be released on December 22, 2022. After the shooting process was completed in August 2022, the Instagram account @cektokoperang2 displayed a piece of the film directed by Ernest Perkasa.

The teaser released features several characters that will appear in the second season. Several characters from the first season such as Erwin, Yohan, Natalie, to Koh Afuk are visible again. Each character also shows a face with a variety of emotions, which indicates the emergence of a new conflict in this sequel.

Ernest Prakasa as the director and screenwriter said that the story in the second season still has a storyline related to the first season.

The story that comes in this second film takes one month after the story in the first film is finished. So there's no need to be confused because the story will be in direct contact with the first film," said Ernest in a written release on Sunday, November 20.

In Check Store Next to 2 there are two main stories. First, Erwin's story about to propose to Natalie but hit various demands from his in-laws. Second, Koh Afuk who urged Yohan and Ayu to immediately have a baby.

If in the first season, Natalie's character is played by Gisella Anastasia, this time Natalie will be played by the actress who won the Citra Cup, Laura Basuki. Apart from Laura Basuki, there are also several new actors who will play in Check Toko Next to 2, such as Widuri Putri, Maya Hasan and Asri Welas.

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