
JAKARTA - Lutesha did a lot of research for the role of her first horror, Keramat 2: Caruban Larang. Moreover, this film was made without a script so he had to know the position of his role. a

"I'm more of a research person, because honestly my character is different from the characters I play, right here I am an indigo kid who can read mantra, can speak Javanese, know about the spiritual and mystical world," said Lutesha at Epicentrum XXI on Thursday, November 17.

Lutesha also trains her Javanese pronunciation to present characters as people who seem to be able to read mantra.

"I asked for help, there was one trick, he was Javanese, and he could speak Javanese. I asked him before taking it, I asked him to read my bag and I asked for a record," he continued.

"I always listen to my mistakes, so the grip can always be just that dialect," he added.

"What's more important is the material for players with mental conditions that are depressed and don't know what to do. But here those who are present are those who are willing to help us," said Monty Tiwa.

Keramat 2: Caruban Larang tells the story of a group of students from Jakarta who go to Cirebon for different purposes. Arla (Arla Ailani), Jojo (Josephine Firmstone), Maura (Maura Gabrielle) wants to make research for the final task in front of her eyes.

On the other hand, Ajil (Ajil Ditto) and Keanu (Keanu Angelo) created horror content on YouTube with the help of Umay (Umay Shahab). Their trip found a number of obstacles when they met Lutesha (Lutesha) there.

With the concept of documentaries, the film Keramat 2: Caruban Larang will be shown in Indonesian cinemas starting November 24, 2022.

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