
YOGYAKARTA EXploring the authentic culinary of Pontianak City is something that must be done when basing on the city. The city of Pontianak offers traditional culinary delights that are very diverse with unique flavors. Besides being rich in spices, Pontianak's distinctive food has a salt, savory, sweet, and sour taste.

Pontianak's typical culinary wealth cannot be separated from the large number of tribes that inhabit the region.

The dominant ethnic groups in Pontianak City include Chinese, Bugis, Dayak, Melayu, and Javanese. However, the Chinese population became the majority population in Pontianak.

Therefore, you should not be surprised when you find culinary Chinese ethnic acculturation in Pontianak.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are the typical Pontianak foods that you must try while on vacation to Kota Seribu Parit:

This typical Pontianak food is the result of acculturation with Chinese culture.

Chai Kwe is classified as a snack made from tumisan sayur, kucai, bengkoang, to rebung wrapped using leather made from a mixture of rice flour and tapioka flour. This authentic Pontianak culinary is often served by steaming.

The next typical Pontianak food is Sotong Pengkong. The name of this food comes from the Malay language, which refers to marine animals named Sotong and Pangkong which means hitting with a hammer.

As the name implies, cut the broiler is a dry cuttlefish that is supported or hit thin. Before being hit until thin, cut it and roast it first so that the meat is softer, then it is beaten thin. Sotong pekong is served with a typical Pontianak peanut sauce.

Petrus ice cream is very suitable to be enjoyed in Pontianak, considering the air temperature in this city is very hot because it is on the equator.

This dessert is called petrus ice cream because it is near Petrus school, on Jalan Karel Satsuit Tubun No. 8, Pontianak Selatan. Petrus ice cream has several flavors, such as▁hargas, trailers, and chocolates.

Petrus ice cream is served using glasses, bread, and coconut shell. When you eat this typical Pontianak food, you can add toppings such as red beans, cincau, so that it becomes liquid chocolate.

In addition to petrus ice cream, the scissors sago is also suitable as a dessert or dessert.

This typical Pontianak food is made of sago with a similar benchmark testur. Sagu scissors offers sweet flavors from brown sugar.

Sagu scissors are often peddled by carts on the side of the road. If you want to taste this authentic Pontianak culinary, try to stop by Jalan Waru or Jalan Tanjung Pura in Pontianak.

This food is included in the culinary of Chinese alculturation in Pontianak. Made from the basic ingredients of rice flour, Kiam Ko Kwe is served with sprinkled chicken meat which has a delicious savory taste.

This typical Pontianak snack comes from the interior and coast of West Kalimantan. This food is called a semar bag because it uses a semar bag plant to wrap materials from this food.

The semar bag cake is made of steamed rice mixtures and also steamed red beans. This food has a unique taste so it deserves to be hunted during a vacation to Khatulistiwa City.

If you are bored with the food made from processed chicken meat, you can try punai birds as an alternative.

This punai bird is similar to a dove. It's just that, with green fur and having a reddish beak. Usually, Pontianak residents catch this bird using a net.

This type of bird is very common in Kalimantan, so it is not difficult to find culinary birds that burn, fry or burn.

That's information about Pontianak typical foods that must be tried during holidays.

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