
YOGYAKARTA The human brain is always adapting and changing in line with the situation of the relationship around it. When you have a warm family, even though you are covered with dynamic changes in your life, it turns out that it has a positive effect on the brain.

Love hormones, or oxytocin, are released when feeling emotional relationships with one another. For example, when feeling orgasm, chatting with loved ones, to the time of breastfeeding children. Launching Psychology Today, Friday, November 18, the area of the brain shows an increase in gray matter when there is a positive emotional relationship. In the father of a newborn, this increase occurred in line with parenting.

Brain changes occur in the first four months of parentship, wrote Gina Simmons Schneider, Ph.D., licensed psychotherapist and author. New fathers and mothers show changes in neural networks that help them adapt to the needs of their newborns.

When parents entertain a crying child, with sound, smell, and touch, it stimulates the release of several chemicals other than oxytocin. Brain chemicals such as prolactin, dopamine, and endorphins give parents and children a warm and pleasant feeling. Well, this calm also fosters feelings of mutual security, love, and connection. This is called interpersonal neurobiology, which forms close ties with others. A warm relationship, apart from shaping brain material, helps one manage stress better and overcome loss.

In different situations, some children are born in war zones, with all their shortcomings, suffering, and despair. They are traumatized and affect how the brain develops. Furthermore, Shcneider explained, that traumatized children or adults need healthy relationships to recover.

Another situation, such as children who experience abuse at an early age, the development of the hippocampus can be hampered. Bangkasampus is a long-term memory center in the brain. The more frequent children experience dangerous events, the more significant the decrease in the volume of the hippocampus in their brains. Not to mention the children who experienced emotional abuse in their golden age grew.







Based on research conducted in 2016, it shows the depletion of two parts of the brain. One part processes self-awareness in the prefrontal cortex and the other part helps to understand and overcome emotions in the medial temporal lobe. This depletion in the brain region helps explain the high level of anxiety and depression in those who have experienced harassment and emotional neglect.

A total of 80 percent experienced traumatic events in his life. But because the human brain is built to withstand many dangers, managing and recovering from traumatic experiences will be very helpful in improving brain material.

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