
YOGYAKARTA Tuberculosis or tuberculosis bacillus (TBC) is still a terrible scourge. The reason is, this disease can trigger death in sufferers. In addition, transmission of tuberculosis is also very fast so sometimes people are not aware that they have the disease. So what are the characteristics of severe tuberculosis?

Health disorders of tuberculosis are diseases caused by bacterial infections and usually attack the lungs. Several other organs such as the kidneys, spine, or brain are also potentially affected by this disease.

TB disease can attack adults and children. In the early period, the symptoms felt by patients after being infected with TB were coughing. However, the condition will get worse if not treated properly. The following are the characteristics of tuberculosis from mild to severe disease.

The initial symptom of someone infected with tuberculosis is coughing. Initially, many people underestimated the cough they suffered because it was similar to a regular cough. In tuberculosis, an attacking cough can take more than three weeks.

When exposed to tuberculosis, the production of mucus in the lungs of the sufferer will increase so that the body will try to emit mucus with a cough mechanism. Daahak that comes out when coughing is usually green or yellow, which means there is bacterial infection.

A person infected with TB will also experience chest pain when taking a breath. These symptoms appear after the lungs experience inflammation due to a lot of mucus. Even patients can have difficulty breathing and cause pain when taking a breath.

At night, TB patients will dry up more than during the day even though no serious activity is being carried out. This feature is not felt by all TB sufferers but could be a symptom that must be considered.

Patients with TB will also experience fever and pain in the joint as during the flu. However, the body temperature that appears can be more than 38 degC. This condition occurs because the body is fighting infection in the body. This stage means that the TB condition is in the early stages of active infection. The fever that occurs is usually patterned and does not occur throughout the day. This fever usually occurs for up to 3 weeks.

This condition arose because the condition of the weak body was exacerbated by the disruption of the oxygen supply in the blood because it was disturbed by mucus in the lungs.

Anemia or lack of red blood will also be experienced by people with TB, causing the skin to become more pale than its normal condition.

The appetite of TB sufferers who are getting worse is loss of appetite. This then has an impact on weight loss.

When the symptoms of TB disease get worse, the patient will cough blood which usually mixes with phlegm. This happens because of a continuous cough that causes the lungs or respiratory tract to experience inflammation and bleeding.

TB can get worse and cause complications and infect other organs of the body through blood circulation. Characteristics of TB disease that starts to get worse, such as back pain, joint inflammation, brain membranes swell, to heart disorders.

That's information related to the severe characteristics of TB disease. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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