
JAKARTA - Indonesia as the host of the B20 Summit Indonesia 2022 is committed to uniting the global business community, with the aim of providing policy recommendations that can be followed up with G20 leaders regarding economic policies, investment, trade, and others.

The B20 Summit 2022 which took place on November 13-14 at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC), Badung Regency, Bali is an important event to unite global business leaders in collaborating to produce policy recommendations for the G20 country as an effort to recover the economy and challenges the world's business.

Business 20 (B20) is an official G20 dialogue forum with the global business community. The activity, which was initiated by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), was attended by around 2,000 delegates, including the Head of State and CEO of leading multinational companies from more than 40 countries, and represented more than 6.5 million businesses.

The Djarum Foundation also participated in this series of B20 events by presenting a cinematic musical performance, Karaeng Pattingalloang on Sunday, November 11, and Dewi Sri in Beauty in Diversity on Monday, November 14, which was attended by various global business leaders.

"In accordance with the spirit of mutual cooperation, this activity is carried out together with other group entrepreneurs, and one form of our participation from the Djarum Foundation with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is preparing a performance for the dinner reception and at the opening Summit on the second day of B20," said Renitasari Adrian, Program Director of the Djarum Cultural Service Foundation in a release received by VOI, Wednesday, November 16.

The performance of the cinematic musical Karaeng Pattingalloang which was presented at the Reception dinner of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a scholar from the Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo, Makassar who had a major impact on the trade era of the Spice Line in the 17th century. He is a famous figure among Europeans because of his intelligence and intellectual abilities. Karaeng Pattingalloang made Makassar a center of international trade and port with superior commodities of spices from Maluku (spice and nutmeg). The spice path economic cover was formed through the integration of Java-Makassar-Maluku, and the production results penetrated the European market.

In the mid-17th century, the Galileo Galilei telescope was already owned by the Kingdom of Gowa as a tool to observe stars in the Makassar sky. The telescope was used by Karaeng Pattinalloang to monitor the position of the moon and determine the time of sailing. A brilliant intellectual, Karaeng Pattingalloang left a legacy of knowledge. He was hailed as Galileo Makassar, and one of its heritages was a world sphere made by Joan Bleau. World sphere replicas can be found at the Karaeng Pattingalloang Museum.

At the opening of the second day of the B20 implementation, the participants of this global community were also entertained by the cultural arts show themed Dewi Sri "Beauty in Diversity" which raised the natural beauty of Indonesia and the diversity of flora and fauna. For the people of Java and Bali, her role includes all aspects of Dewi Ibu, which is to protect birth and life.

He can also control food ingredients on earth, so he regulates life, wealth, and prosperity. Dewi Sri also controls all the opposites, namely poverty, hunger disasters, disease pests, and to death. In these two shows the Djarum Foundation collaborated with art workers from the Barru Regency dancer team, South Sulawesi and with dancers from the local area of Bali JCORP Stage Company Bali.

Jemmy Chayadi, Director of Strategy & Sustainable Development Djarum Foundation, said that this demonstration is expected to attract the interests and attention of representatives of companies and institutions to pay attention and establish partnerships in the arts of cultural performances in Indonesia as well as to foster the enthusiasm of art workers after going through a pandemic storm, so that they can bounce back and present sustainable works.

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