
YOGYAKARTA Some people may lose confidence when they have a distended stomach. In addition, this condition is also not good for health because it can trigger chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. So, what causes a distended stomach?

A distended stomach or central obesity is a collection of excess fats found in the subscription area. This fat collection can be caused by consuming carbohydrates, cholesterol, and excess fat without being balanced with sufficient exercise.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Saturday, November 12, 2022, here are the causes of distended stomachs that you should know:

Men's and women's bodies have different fat storage areas. In men, adipose tissue that functions to accommodate fat, is located in the stomach and waist.

Meanwhile, the storage area for fat on women is located on the hips and thighs.

With age, men are more prone to having a distended stomach, especially for those aged 40 years and over. Adding age makes the production of the hormone testosterone (production hormone) drastically reduced. This condition causes a buildup of fat in the stomach or visceral fat. This type of fat makes men more likely to have a distended stomach.

Excessive stress can also cause a person's stomach to become distended. The reason is, stress can increase levels of the hormone cortisol. This increase in hormones can result in an increase in appetite, especially consumption of sweet foods, high in calories, and high in fat.

A high appetite, which will increase calorie intake from fatty foods. If left unchecked, this condition can cause a buildup of fat in the stomach and make you look distended.

In addition to the two things above, being lazy to exercise can also cause a distended stomach. If you rarely exercise, the fat from the food you consume will not burn and be buried in the stomach.

In fact, the visceral fat is also flammable, especially when you do physical activity.

To reduce your distended stomach, you can start aerobic exercise with moderate intensity, such as fast walking, aerobic exercise, zumba, and jogging.

According to studies, sleep time that lacks sleep can increase the risk of weight gain. This certainly affects the buildup of visceral fat.

If your sleep duration is less than six hours every night, you have a greater chance of having a distended stomach due to a buildup of fat.

Not only that, the duration of sleep that is lacking can also trigger the hormone ghrelin and lower the hormone leptin. This condition makes you quickly hungry and want to eat continuously.

The cause of distended stomach could be due to consuming alcohol. As we know, weight gain is often influenced by the consumption of alcoholic beverages, this also applies to the distended stomach or central obesity, where people who drink alcoholic beverages have a big risk of distended stomachs.

That is information about the cause of distended stomachs in men and women. Hopefully useful!

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