
YOGYAKARTA Having friends does not happen coincidentally. Maintain or not friendship, requires effort and commitment. Starting from accepting changes, having resilience, rewards, and focusing on what can be shared instead of increasing differences.

In the context of building a lasting friendship for life, closeness and tolerance are also important to have. Launching Psychology Today, Friday, November 11, in seeking lasting friendly relationships, between friends, it is necessary to commit and work with full love. More specifically, Kathyok, Ph.D., psychotherapist and journalist, provide tips on how to build a lifelong friendship.

Friendship relationships based on transactional needs will not last. This means that lifelong friendship can be built on the basis of kindness, keeping secrets, mutual support, and being good listeners. Important to know, this kindness goes both ways, you and your respective friends are willing and able to benefit from the relationship being built.

Do the relationship between you and your friends begin as children, teenagers, or as young adults? According to you, old friendship can change. Friends and you may have given each other room to grow. Friendship also doesn't expect each other to stay frozen at one time. A friend of yours, may have married, separated, have career differences, or socio-economic status. They and you grow up in their own personal lives, but remain well friends.

Friendship that lasts a lifetime, transcends everyone's origins. For example, school origins, workplaces, or other matters related to identity.

Chaotic clients tell the story of their friendship that stems from fellow parents of their parents at their child's school. But friendship continues, through the dynamics of life that always changes. Currently, their children are already in college and they remain friends. Time doesn't have to be the same, but friendship can still be maintained with residual commitment and kindness.

This tip is a little more essential, because even though there are different countries, different from regions, or different beliefs, everyone can have a friendship. As long as you respect each other, maintain your respective history, and feelings together, then you can maintain friendship forever.

Despite being distant from domicile, friendship can still be established. For example, by sending each other text, email, or recording a sweet letter or post card. We can also hear friends' voices by phone or video calls.

There are times when you don't hear from your dear old friends. Life is busy with each other's business. But you can still accept the difference in time, for example, and give each other support when one and another people experience the ups and downs of the wheel of life.

In addition to the seven tips above, the way to build lasting friendship is to open up to each other. That way, everyone can give opportunities to grow and benefit each other.

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