
YOGYAKARTA - There are special taboos for gout sufferers, especially in terms of consumption or food. There are certain foods and drinks that people with gout should avoid. This is certainly quite a hassle for gout patients. But if not practiced then the disease can get worse.

Uric acid is a common disease that is experienced by many people. The most people with gout are the elderly or the elderly. However, many cases of gout that attack young people aged 25 to 30 years.

Gout disease generally occurs in the joints of the leg, ankle and knee. The condition of gout is quite painful for the sufferer so that he cannot do daily activities. People with gout will feel swelling and pain at the point of the joints that experience crystallization.

Gout disease can be fed with some dietary and beverage restrictions. People with gout are asked to avoid foods that contain purin. Here are some dietary taboos for people with gout to prevent the recurrence of this disease.

Distribution is one of the processed ingredients for food that is quite popular. However, this food is taboo for people with gout. Extortion of jeroan can cause uric acid to recur because it contains too much iron.

People with gout also have a taboo to consume sweet drinks or high sugar. High content of fructose and sugar in drinks and candy can exacerbate gout disease.

Sea food is often recommended for consumption because it contains good nutrition for health. Unfortunately seafood is taboo for people with gout. People who have gout disease should avoid consuming shrimp, anchovies, shells, and so on. These foods contain high purins so that they can exacerbate gout disease.

People with gout are also asked to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages. Indeed, not all alcoholic beverages contain high purins. But alcoholic drinks that have this content can cause a buildup of gout in the kidneys.

Sirup is also a drink that must be avoided by people with gout. Sirup which has high fructose content can trigger relapse of gout disease.

Other foods that are taboo from gout sufferers are processed meat. processed meat has a high purin content so that it can exacerbate the condition of gout. In addition, the high fat content in processed meat can cause excess weight which can worsen the condition of gout.

In addition to practicing these taboos, there are several other ways to prevent and treat gout disease.

People with gout can treat the pain experienced by taking pain relievers. The drug that can be consumed is non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Consuming this drug can relieve pain and swelling due to gout.

The most practical and natural way to treat the symptoms of gout is by compressing ice. The ice compress can reduce pain in joint trafficking due to gout. You do this by attaching ice to the joint point that is experiencing pain.

Patients can also treat gout by applying topicalsamans that contain capsaicin. Saleps that can be used to relieve gout are those that contain sedatives such as aspercreme, icy hot. You do this by cupping the plaster in the area that is experiencing swelling.

Another way to treat gout disease is to drink a lot of water. Water is useful for removing gout crystals that accumulate on the joints.

Those are taboos for people with gout and how to treat their pain. People with gout must be willing to avoid certain foods even though it is very tempting. Because ignoring or being determined to consume it, the disease can recur and become more severe.

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