
JAKARTA - Nia Ramadhani spoke up after reportedly winning the chair at the Michael Learns to Rock (MLTR) concert, Jakarta. It is known that a netizen wrote his remarks because he could not sit in the chair he ordered.

Nia Ramadhani also re-uploaded her friend's post which was recording herself explaining the chronology from her side. Nia replied that she did not buy a ticket but was invited. "I didn't get a ticket, I didn't buy it, I was invited," said Nia Ramadhani.

"Then I said 'the email hasn't come in yet, I'm afraid when I come in how?' I can't see what, right? Then he said it's okay, Sis, I guarantee it," explained Nia to her friends.

Nia Ramadhani came with her husband, Ardi Bakrie at around 19.30 WIB. They are waiting to be contacted by the promoter who invited the two to enter the concert arena, namely The Kasablanka Hall, Jakarta.

Nia and her husband are said to have waited until around 19.30 WIB. They chose to wait for the visitors to contact them to enter the concert arena.

"Yes, it's okay, entering through the side door, MLTR has started, entering and then you don't know how many seats," said Nia Ramadhani.

"The road is at the front, there is a team of four seats, 'here'," Nia said, imitating one of the staff.

Nia Ramadhani admitted that she did not know anything about the seat number. He was only given a sign and his seat was shown. He also immediately contacted the promoter to ask for a viral post.

"Ya saya enggak tahu, orang saya enggak punya tiket, tiba-tiba saya dikalungkald warna kuning. Tapi enggak ada juga orang yang datang mengatakan'sis, ini bukan kurtingnya sis'. Jadi saya enggak tahu," kata Nia lagi.

Nia also shared a conversation with the promoter. They call the photo of the bracelet in question wrong.

"This is the one in the photo of the DA (category) bracelet, and the DA is in Row 2, while I sat in Row 1," said Nia Ramadhani.

"So that's the explanation, friends, so you didn't hear it from one side, but also heard what I just shared," concluded Nia Ramadhani.

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