
JAKARTA - In Indonesia, halal food is one of the important needs considering that the majority of Indonesians adhere to Islam. The government has announced that all food and beverage products must be halal certified no later than October 17, 2024. So that he encourages food and beverage entrepreneurs to immediately carry out the halal certification process.

Some of the foods that make you doubt are Chinese Food, which originally used non-halal products such as pigs. Therefore, the Head of Halal Product Guarantee Supervision, Harjo Suwito, admitted that he had doubts when eating with his family at a Chinese Food restaurant like Ta Wan.

However, this doubt fades if before entering the restaurant you have seen a halal certification logo such as Ta Wan which puts the Halal Certificate logo with title A in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 8. VP Operation Eatwell Culinary Indonesia Mustarofah Ahmad is grateful that Ta Wan finally got a halal certificate issued by the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH).

"We received the Halal Certificate in September 2022, but we celebrate it to coincide with Ta Wan's birthday in November 2022," he said at the inauguration of the Ta Wan Halal Certification and Solo Kitchen on November 8, 2022 in Jakarta.

Mustarofah said halal certificates made him more confident in expanding into Indonesian areas, where the majority of the population is Muslim. "With this Halal Certificate, we are more confident in penetrating the market that is Muslim-based. In the past, we were not confident that we wanted to expand to Padang or Aceh. But at times we are ready," he continued.

CEO of Eatwell Culinary Indonesia Fransiscus Sumampow said the Halal Certificate has become an important requirement in the restaurant business. "This halal certificate can be added value to be more competitive," he said.

Fransiscus said there were several changes made by the Ta Wan team to get the Halal Certificate. "One of the challenges, we replaced some of our raw materials to adjust the halal product. But this does not change the taste and quality," said Fransiscus.

Eatwell Culinary, which houses three restaurant brands, namely Ta Wan, Dapur Solo and Ichiban Sushi, cleans and innovates ahead of 2023. This year is the year of revival, where we have made many innovations both in terms of exterior and interior rest, food menus, way of serving, service to consumer experience while enjoying offerings at our restaurant, it is guaranteed that we will be more satisfied," said Mustarofah Ahmad. For Ichiban Sushi is still in the process of getting halal certification.

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