
YOGYAKARTA Problems that accumulate or experience bad events, often trigger emotional conditions that make you uneasy. In fact, it is not uncommon to make you angry, sad, feel guilty, and feel embarrassed. This feeling is important to accept, but problems still have to be resolved. Well, to mediate the emotional condition and bad events experienced, here are the tricks so you don't give up easily when you face problems.

Ran D. Anbar, MD. FAAP., reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, November 9, gave an example when we were on the plane. "When flying... we have to help ourselves first before helping others. Likewise, when you face unfortunate events. Good self-reflection, this will help us think better instead of thinking negatively."

Self-respect must be practiced continuously. Regardless of experiencing or not experiencing problems. Anbar advises, try breathing exercises to help relax. You can eat family favorite snacks, exercise, get enough sleep, and spend time with loved ones to increase your spirits.

Feeling bad events and problems constantly triggers a person to react badly. Building perspectives, can be done by starting to ask yourself which ones to think about and not. This can help you save energy and not lose focus.

The thing that can motivate you to build a positive perspective, is to learn from experience. Errors are just mistakes if you fail to learn from them. This means that if you have a desire to grow, it is necessary to learn to correct mistakes.

Every problem will inevitably pass, but whether it is finished or not, it is related how to react to the problem. If you react positively, the problem will be resolved properly. It's different if you avoid problems, because it will accumulate and will be even more burdensome.

In most problems there are always positive aspects. This means that focusing on the negative aspect, does not guarantee that the problem will be resolved. Anbar said, even kematics can have good aspects. It means that we need to focus on life so that it can give the spirit not to give up.

The key to solving problems is to accept challenges. Avoiding difficulties will only delay you from processing them. In accepting challenges, you have confidence and remain honest with yourself. If you need support to be more confident in yourself, try talking to your friends about what you need to go through. They may help and strengthen your confidence.

Those are the five ways that help you not give up easily when facing problems. Additional than Anbar, use positive self-talk to identify new avenues in solving problems.

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