
YOGYAKARTA Some people may ask how much is the tax on electric cars in Indonesia, given the increasing popularity of vehicles driven by electric motors.

Originally, electric cars had a higher price than conventional cars or used fuel oil (BBM). However, it turns out that electric cars are subject to tax rates that are quite affordable from the government.

It should be noted that the government has changed the rules for the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) tariff for motorized vehicles. Through this regulation, electric cars can be privileged with a 0 percent Tax Imposition Basic Rate (DPP), as compiled by VOI from various sources, Saturday, November 5, 2022.

This is stated in Article 36 of Government Regulation Number 74 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation No. 73 of 2019 concerning Taxable Goods classified as Luxury in the Form of Motor Vehicles Subject to Sales Tax on Luxury Goods.

Policies regarding tax payments and incentives from the government have been officially regulated. This rule is contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 1 of 2021 articles 10 and 11.

For article 10, the rules contain:

How to Calculat Electric Car Tax

Computing the electric car tax can be done with the following formula:

Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) = Motor Vehicle Selling Value (NJKB) X 2%

For example, if you buy a Hyundai Ioniq 5 electric car at a price of IDR 748 million, then the tax calculation is as follows:

IDR 748,000,000 x 2% = IDR 14,960,000.

However, don't forget that the government provides incentives for electric car taxes. So that car owners simply pay 10 percent of the value of PKB.

If you have Hyundai Ioniq with PKB of Rp. 14,960,000. Then what must be paid is only:

IDR 14,960,000. x 10% = IDR 1,496,000

This figure is the final value that needs to be paid and later added with the Mandatory Contribution of Road Traffic Accident Fund (SWDKLLJ) costs of Rp. 143,000, bringing the total to Rp. 1,639,000.

From the calculations above, it can be concluded that the government provides a fairly large incentive for electric car taxes.

For additional information, in Indonesia, there are two types of electric four-wheeled vehicles that can be obtained, namely the Tesla and Hyundai electric cars. The following is a tax list for the two four-wheeled vehicles.

Tesla Electric Car Tax

The following is a list of annual tax for four-wheeled Tesla type 3 vehicles per year added with Mandatory Contribution of Road Traffic Accident Funds (SWDKLLJ).

Year of Tax Price SWDKLLJ

2020 IDR 2,205,800 IDR143,000

2019 IDR 1,804,000 IDR 143,000

2017 IDR 2,940,000 IDR 143,000

2016 IDR 5,680,900 IDR143,000

Hyundai Electric Car Tax

Except for Tesla, Hyundai also issued a four-electric wheeled vehicle called the Hyundai KONA Electric. The following is a list of annual taxes on four-wheeled Hyundai KONA Electric per year added with a Donation Rate that the Road Traffic Accident Fund (SWDKLLJ) should be added.

Year of Tax Price SWDKLLJ

2021 IDR 2,998,800 IDR 143,000

2020 IDR 974,400 IDR 143,000

That's information about the electric car tax in Indonesia and how to calculate it. May it be useful!

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