
YOGYAKARTA Toxic friendship or toxic friendship is often not realized. Sometimes because you have believed or have been friends for a long time, it is difficult to admit when friendship turns out to be toxic. What are the characteristics of toxic friendship and how to handle it?

According to psychologist Mark airing, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Friday, November 4, the characteristics of toxic friends often make you unable to be yourself when you are with them. Sometimes, your toxic friends damage the good things you share, or make you feel tense and keep quiet more.

Toxic friendship is categorized as toxic in two effects of behavior. First, if your father likes to cut your conversations or cut your hair to make it better. In a study published in the American Journal of Sociology, intimidation and aggression are common in the circle of friendship rather than strangers. Why? Because sacrificing other people for other purposes other than friendship, can only be done when you get to know each other. As a way of overcoming toxic friendship that makes you feel less valuable and comfortable, do the following:

It's time for you to put aside your fear of controntation and try to be real with your toxic friends. Set boundaries that are allowed and shouldn't be a joke. If they really care, then they will listen and improve their behavior.

You can call it a 'wire cut' if your brother doesn't change his behavior and still make you feel worthless. You need to realize, friendship should be a safe space. If you don't feel safe in a relationship, maybe you'll be better off without them.

The second category is identified as saying in toxic friendship, its characteristics are parasitic friends. For example, they only tell me if they need a ride, or when they need it. This is a classic example of a parasitic friend where he focuses on the receive aspect.

Healthy friendship, having mutual respect and love. So what if you have a parasitic friend?

Research published in The British Journal of Social Psychology shows that relationships rooted in the principle of utilization or utilities as above will not last long unless in employment. This means that, because nothing can be useful for other people, this friendship will be strained by itself.

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