JAKARTA - Skin care tools such as cave sha and jade roller have been used in traditional Chinese medicine thousands of years ago. These two beauty tools are known to provide holistic healing and help balance physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
In addition to health, jade roller and cave sha are also now used as facial skin care devices. The reason is, types of crystalline or jade such as jade, amethyst, and rose quartz which are commonly used for Isha and Jade roller have a myriad of benefits for the skin. Such as easing acne, redness, swollen face, and dull skin problems.
Jika Anda belum begitu familiar dengan term serta cara kerja gua sha dan jade roller, berikut VOI membagikan informasinya lebih lanjut melansir Sublime Life, Kamis, 3 November.
Jade roller is a beauty tool in the shape of a long handle and has a fan wheel on its end made of jade. This roller wheel has a different size on its two ends. For larger wheels, it is used specifically for the cheekbones, jaw, and jidat. While small wheels are used specifically in the under-eye area. The use of jade rollers must be accompanied by light pressure so that it helps restore skin energy. As well as improve blood circulation from within.
Meanwhile, the sha cave is done using a special stone or called the sha tool cave. The special stone of the sha cave, which is generally made of evidence, is gently rubbed on the area around the face up to the neck. The technique of wiping or massaging the face area with the sha tool cave is done to smooth the flow of blood and energy that the Chinese people call chi.
In fact, I sha and Jade roller are predicted to be effective in healing acnetic skin because both of them have functions in the form of;
Sha Caves and jade rollers must be applied to clean and humid faces. You need to cool both of these tools to the refrigerator for 15 minutes before use. After that, don't forget to sterilize the sha and jade rollers with alcohol before reuse.
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