
YOGYAKARTA Fragrench fresh cut flowers, is a quick way to beautify the room at home. Besides being the most beautiful gift for someone closest to you, stringing flowers is also a way to express your personal style. How to beautify home decorations with fresh flowers, here are the steps.

Each type of flower describes its meaning. For example, red rose which is associated with courage and passion, other fresh flowers can also be traced meaning. Before buying some flowers or green plants and additional equipment, make a list of fresh flowers that you want to arrange and beautify your room.

Seorang designer dan florist Sierra Steifman mengatakan, jika ini pertama kalinya bekerja dengan bunga, coba menjaga menjaga produk bunga Anda tetap sederhana. Pilih dua atau tiga varier dalam palette warna yang sama sehingga dapat fokus pada penyepanan daripada koordinasi warna. Pesannya lagi, tambahkan beberapa tanaman hijau untuk memberikan risuk.

Most likely, choose flowers that are in season. Apart from being easy to find, fresh flowers that are in season are also more durable. For example, calendulas, gardeneia, and jasmine are mostly found in cooler seasons. While during the warmer season, you can haveministries, sunflowers, and roses.

Based on Steifman's recommendation, choose a fresh flower type for decoration based on a color palette. Try to have a matching color that makes it easier for you to combine it. Plus, choose a green plant so that the composition is more living'.

Shearing fresh flowers for room decorations can start by rinseing the flower stems gently and removing all the leaves along the stems. Leave the leaves only on the top or closest to the flower crown or those on the water.

Why do you have to cut the leaves, because this will help the flowers survive longer fresh. Then dry the stems and cut the stems tilted 45 degrees. Once the flowers are ready, don't forget to prepare the most beautiful and characterous vas. Then give water in room temperature to prevent the stem from being exposed to air.

While waiting for hydrated flowers from room-temperature water, prepare a immersion water that makes fresh flowers last longer. The mixture consists of lemon and sugar juice. Mix it with room-temperature water until evenly distributed. Then you are ready to assemble the flowers in the mixed vasi.

Start by placing all the flowers on your desk. use a green plant stem that fits the base in the form of a triangle. This green plant is recommended from eucalyptus or eucalyptus or eucalyptus, ivy, and fern. Dispose the thorny leaves and leaves on the stems to prevent decay.

Finally, your flower type management is symmetrical and sequentially from warm to cold color. You can also add cherries or other types of flowers that combine composition even though the palette colors are different.

That's how to arrange fresh flowers for room decoration. Interested in trying it out? You can start compiling a list of what flowers make your room more colorful.

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