
YOGYAKARTA - Payment services with prepaid and postpaid systems have now been used in various needs. Electric payments and credit purchases have been using the payment system for a long time.

Electric users can now choose payment services, whether to use postpaid or prepaid. Each type of service has its own provisions. However, until now there are still those who do not understand the differences in prepaid and postpaid.

The prepaid electricity service was recently present, namely since the development of the internet and digital technology. In the past, electricity payments only applied a postpaid system with monthly bills.

Prepaid and postpaid services have their own advantages and disadvantages. Usually users will choose the service to adjust their needs and comfort in making payments. The difference between the two is the mechanism or the payment system.

The difference in prepaid and postpaid can be seen from the name. The word pre on prepaid services means before. While the word postpaid means already. So the two are different in the payment system, namely after and before use.

Prepaid service is a payment system that is done before the user uses electricity. Prepaid service users must purchase a credit or token first to be able to use the electricity facility. Users can choose the amount of token purchased according to their abilities and wishes.

While postpaid services are payment systems that are made after the user uses electricity or credit. Postpaid service users must pay electricity based on a monthly bill. The amount of the fee to be paid will be displayed in the bill according to the level of electricity usage by the user.

There are a few more and fewer times when you use prepaid electricity services. Prepaid services are suitable for users who set the amount of electricity usage from scratch. But on the other hand, users must check tokens regularly to find out when the electricity will run out.

Many people are more comfortable using postpaid electricity services than prepaid. Postpaid services are usually selected by users who want to use electricity at will and don't need to think about token quotas. However, excessive electricity usage often causes bills to swell.

That's the difference between prepaid and postpaid in electricity payment services. Each type of service has its own advantages and disadvantages. Users can choose according to their needs and convenience. Postpaid electricity can be more efficient if electricity usage is done irritably. While prepaid electricity can also be more wasteful if the token runs out quickly and often fills it again.

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