
YOGYAKARTA - A constant and fast lifestyle makes many people feel bored, stressed, and stagnant. At a young age, you may be encouraged to catch up to the fast. But every day, it is necessary to feel fresh. One way that is rampant and many people do it is a slow living lifestyle. What is a slow living lifestyle?

According to Jenelle Kim, DACM., LAc., a Chinese medicine doctor, situologist, and writer Myung Sung: The Korean Art of Living Reditation, slow living is a conscious approach to life that involves living more slowly so respecting every moment and prioritizing what is important in life.

A spiritual mentor and breathing practitioner, Alyse Bacine, reported by Byrdie, Monday, October 31, said that slow living encourages us to step into a new way of thinking and makes it possible to accept and experience all aspects offered by life.

Kim added that an important component of slow living is to relieve stress in your life. This in the end is not only beneficial in terms of mentality, but also physically. You can get better sleep, improve digestion, increase mood, reduce muscle tension, and lower blood pressure.

Slow living is also beneficial for spiritual well-being. As Bacine says, that living a simple life and choosing to pay attention to every moment helps you get close to yourself and your goals. After implementing a slow lifestyle, people tend to feel gratitude and a complete appreciation for life. So how to practice a slow living lifestyle to get the benefits?

Living slow or slow living doesn't mean you don't work or get things done. On the other hand, you're not in a hurry to do something, have free time, and appreciate every moment. Kim recommends entering more moments with full attention. For example in your daily routine, when moving, meditation, or completing other tasks.

"Expanding time for a walk or stretching all day is one of the best ways to reset your mind and restore a calm and relaxed mindset," added Kim.

Eating consciously or mindful is also a component in slow living. Instead of respecting fast food and comfort food, choose whole, healthy, nutritious food that is good for you and the environment. For example, choose your food ingredients from local farmers or the nearest market. Can also eat organic foods grown near home.

In addition to how to regulate diet and life speed, choosing clothes is also included in the slow living component. It is better to buy high quality and sustainable goods than to continuously replace goods with lower quality.

How to practice your next slow-life, try to make an inventory of how you spend your time and energy. Bacine advice, make a list of the things you do every day. Then from that list, ask which one contributes to your welfare. otherwise, you can delete the activity and allocate time and energy to a more priority.

Starting from managing how fast you move, eating healthy and eating patterns with mindful, to making an inventory of priorities, is how to practice a slow lifestyle. Want to try it? You can start from the simplest thing.

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