JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher was highlighted about her personal relationship after divorcing Sule. Recently, he looked familiar with a man who was his ex-girlfriend 10 years ago.
Through her latest video, Nathalie Holscher seems open to their relationship. However, she understands that the public will think she is having an affair with Sule. Therefore, she gave an explanation of their closeness.
"Actually, how come you are close to Mother?" asked one of the crew to Nathalie Holscher.
"How can I say this?" replied the man called Papah Sayang. Nathalie also invited the man to explain.
"Just talk so you don't get accused of cheating," continued Nathalie Holscher.
"So at that time, at night, he consulted me when the incident happened, he suddenly chatted like that, asking how it was," said the man.
Nathalie Holscher called the man one of the lawyers and they discussed what to do.
"Incidentally, he's a lawyer, guys, so I'll just consult with him how good it is," said Nathalie Holscher.
"Finally, he came to the office at eight o'clock at night, at that time. Yes, the consultation was not the same as the others, so we gave a solution, but in the end, he decided," added the man.
"Yes, in the end, I did consult him because there is no one here anymore," continued Nathalie.
"After he got divorced he disappeared again and after that, he didn't have contact for a long time, just no matter what, so that's how it is," he said again.
The man called their relationship professional considering the man was also close to Nathalie Holscher's family before he married Sule.
"Yes, it was after that, what to do. Yes, after talking to mom, Mama told you to marry you, he said. Mama, I was close to her," said the man.
"So in the past his mother was really close to me and my family. Anyway, that's how it is," said Nathalie Holscher.
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