
YOGYAKARTA Be sweet and sincere is not only mentally healthy, but also social relations. Even according to research at the National Cancer Institute, it is found that people who laugh regularly can lower the stress hormone. But what if laughing is not sincere or has certain intention to control or be manipulative like in a psychopathic character?

Hervey Cleckley, a psychopathic researcher from the mid-1970s, developed conclusions on psychopathic characters. Launching Psychology Today, he observed that psychopaths are often humorous and sometimes give shallow impressions about things that are much different and very serious about humor. Humor, however, in a full sense, is not owned by psychopathic characters.

According to Winifred Rule, author of Born To Destroy... Psychopathy in Females, a Life Story, can be very humorous, full of jokes, and exciting conversations. Another psychopathic expert, Dr. Robert Hare, describes the psychopathic ability to be smart and good at talking and entertaining and funny speakers.

A woman is a psychopath, often joking at certain situations. Even making fun of himself. His boisterous laughter ensures that he is the center of attention. But this unfair laugh is not good humor. His heart is taken into account to cover his real motive.

A psychopath's laughter tends to regulate the'stage' while placing someone close to him in a pleasant frame of mind. They keep laughing as they draw others closer, the goal is for the person to believe his story and fall in love with his lies.

According to research conducted by researchers from the University of Zurich on 143 women and 90 psychopathic men, their laughter does not show any contribution to other people's welfare. They laugh at manipulating in an untreated way. For psychopaths, it is a tool to hide lies, dominate, control, and outsmart. It even turns a person into something that is not himself.

Closed Rule in his review of psychopathic laughter that is not sincere, psychopathic intrigues often fail to be understood. They often laugh, which he thinks can provide pleasure but there are voids that need to be filled to find the next pleasure.

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