
YOGYAKARTA Even though it only sleeps at night, it can actually help maintain optimal well-being and health. Sleep is quite as important as exercise and balanced eating. In this regard, a number of studies have shown that lack of sleep at night causes the following risks.

A study in 2017 looked at the short and long-term health consequences of sleep disorders. Researchers note that sleep is related to brain function, namely memory or memory, a person's performance in the workplace, cognition related to stress hormones.

Another study was conducted two years earlier and published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry showing that children's sleep patterns can affect their academic behavior and performance.

If you are on a diet program to lose weight, in addition to ensuring exercise and balanced eating, it is important to get enough sleep at night. Because according to 2018 research, it shows that people who regularly sleep less than 7 hours a day can increase levels of ghrelin or hunger hormones, salt retention, and higher inflammatory markers. They also tend to have a higher body mass index (BMI) than those sleeping more.

This risk is related to before, because lack of sleep at night causes more weight and potentially more calorie consumption. Researchers suggest that improving the quality and duration of healthy sleep is to help weight loss and prevent obesity.

One of the risk factors for heart disease is high blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting sufficient rest every night allows body blood pressure to regulate itself. Sleep well can also reduce the possibility of sleep-related conditions such as apnea and improve overall heart health, reports Medical News Today, Sunday, October 30.

Sleep has something to do with one's emotional and social intelligence. A person who doesn't get enough sleep tends to have problems recognizing other people's emotions and expressions.

In 2022 research, finding people who routinely experience higher sleep quality tend to think they have better emotional intelligence, such as performing social interactions well, maintaining relationships, feeling positive and controlling impulses.

Sleep at night helps the body improve, regenerate, and recover. Including the body in shaping its immune system, related to the quality and duration of sleep at night. Several studies show that a good sleep is needed by the body to improve and strengthen its immune system. Although further research is needed, but when people fall asleep, they go through four stages of sleep.

Three stages include non-rapid eye movement (NREM) where this stage brings the deepest stage of sleep or rapid eye movement (REM). During REM, most dreams occur. Body cycles go through each stage about four to six times a night.

The cycle of NREM, brain waves, heart rate, breathing, and the movement of one's eyes slows down. The muscles relax and occasionally get together. The first stage of NREM is 5 percent of the duration of sleep, the second stage is 45 percent, taha[ when 23 percent. In the third stage, brain waves slow down to their lowest level, people also find it difficult to wake up at this stage, and sometimes it occurs in this third stage.

In this third stage, the body improves itself, re-grows the tissue, strengthens the immune system, and builds bones and muscles. Furthermore, the REM stage spends 25 percent of the total sleep time after 90 minutes of sleep.

Well, through the explanation above, sleep is a vital component that should not be ignored. Because lack of sleep at night can cause a number of negative effects, it is important to do this activity with a duration and good quality because it can improve the body and become fit.

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