
JAKARTA - The Sabang Merauke performance was held again with the spirit of the Youth Pledge. The show, which involved hundreds of artists and dozens of musicians, will be held at Ciputra Artpreneur, Jakarta, for two days, on Saturday - Sunday, November 12 - 13, 2022.

The re-play of the Sabang Merauke performance is an effort to invite the community, especially the younger generation, to take part in efforts to preserve the justuhung culture inherited from the Indonesian nation's ancestors. Through the Sabang Merauke Performance, people are expected to know, love, and participate in preserving the rich richness of the archipelago culture. Starting from music, songs, dances, to clothing which are the hallmarks of each region in the country.

Along with the spirit of the Youth Pledge and Hero's Day which emphasizes the importance of love for the country, ibra and BCA reorganize the Sabang Merauke Performance with the aim that the public has the opportunity to witness firsthand the splendor of the works of the ancestors of this nation. The value of more than this show is that in one show the community can witness the cultural wealth of the ancestors from Sabang to Merauke being staged by quality cross-generation artists spectacularly. Thus, instead of being forgotten by the development of the times, this performance can actually be a trigger so that we can further preserve culture and become a unifying tool for the nation," said Vice President Director i

Previously, the Sabang Merauke performance was successfully held in the courtyard of Prambanan Yogyakarta Temple in February and in Jakarta Theater, Central Jakarta in early June. The performance, which was held for three consecutive days with the five performances, successfully reaped the admiration of the thousands of invited guests who watched it. Not only that, the video of Sabang Merauke's performance which was also broadcast on the Youtube account iwaki was flooded with positive testimonials and has been watched more than three million times.

The high appreciation for the implementation of the previous edition of the Sabang Merauke show indicates that people miss the quality performance of the art of Indonesian culture. For this reason, we hope that the Sabang Merauke performance can become a social movement that moves everyone, especially the younger generation to love and be more proud of the local wisdom and culture of the Indonesian nation. In addition, at this performance, the #BanggaLokal MSME assisted by BCA will also present BCA as a form of BCA's concern for local business actors to be better known in society. In the future, BCA will continue to be committed to preserving Indonesian culture as a national heritage," said BCA Senior Vice President, Norisa Saifuddin.

The Sabang Merauke performance carries the concept of live Performance which will present 22 songs containing 21 regional songs and one national anthem and are combined harmoniously. To make this happen, the performance will involve six national singers, 46 traditional and modern musicians, and 144 professional dancers. Not only that, the Sabang Merauke performance also involved the Choir Batavia Madrigal Singers, the winner of the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing 2022. Before the performance starts, the audience will be greeted by the Betawi cultural Cross Pintu procession which is a symbolization of Jakarta as the host.

The excitement of this performance will also be felt from a series of traditional and modern Indonesian clothing prepared by various well-known designers such as Era Sukamto, Ivan Gunawan, Iwan Tirta Private Collection, Ghea Panggabean, Denny Wirawan, Danny Satriadi, Priyo Oktaviano, Griya Ageman, Studio Kancil Art, Opi Bachtiar, Levico Boutik, Laxmi Tailor, Rinaldi A. Yunardi, and Bagas Nitorang.

Director of the Sabang Merauke Rusmedi Agus said that the Sabang Merauke performance this time will feel more magnificent with updates on the stage, multimedia and of course traditional musical arrangements and actions. In one hour of the show, the audience will be invited to dive into beauty and are expected to return home with a sense of pride for the national cultural treasures.

To support this, the Sabang Merauke performance again featured a number of traditional and modern dance arrangers involved, including Sandidhea Cahyo Narpati, Pulung Jati, Dian Bokir, and Rizky Dafin. Meanwhile, Kikan Namara was lined up as music director as well as lead vocal along with other well-known singers such as Mirabeth Sonia, Christine Tambunan, Taufan Purbo and Alsant Nababan. Not to forget, the Sabang Merauke performance will also be even more lively with the performance of young musicians Swain Mahisa.

This is the third show after Jogja and at the Djakarta Theater last June. We have improved many things to make this show better. The stage will carry the concept of Nusantara which is more glamor with a more luxurious multimedia appearance. Then in the choreography and fashion region, we also perfected it so that the nuances of Indonesian unity are getting thicker," Rusmedi explained.

Kikan Namara as music director said that the musicality of the Sabang Merauke performance will be even more magnificent with the presence of a choir from Batavia Madrigal Singers. Meanwhile, the regional ethnic nuances will also feel thicker thanks to Kidung & team in the traditional music arrangement section and support from Ava Victoria & Team Orchestra.

Departing from the success of the two previous performances, the Sabang Merauke performance will later involve more musicians with the presence of Batavia Madrigal Singers. The presence of those collaborating with local ethnic musicians will be an attractive presentation that makes the audience even more proud of the nation's culture," said Kikan.

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