
JAKARTA - Three friends of Alfin Dwi Krisnandi, Sepriadi, and Dimas Kusnandi who previously went viral as Warkopi were finally born new with the name Trio Makuboys. They left the name that sparked the controversy and prepared to shoot the film Duit Express.

The film, which took the setting of the beauty of Eastern Indonesia, specifically collaborated with the name Imam Darto as the screenwriter and the big name Ody C. Harahap as the director. This film Duit Express tells the story of the journey of Makuboys (Mamet, Kubil, and Bolay) who was forced to carry the bodies of their grandfather across the island in order to get the inheritance of his grandfather's gold shop.

Mamet is fed up with Kartolo's treatment, his superior at the Kartolo Abadi Gold Shop, who also happens to be his grandfather. Kartolo is also very harsh in educating his grandson, because he is a retired soldier. Kubil and Bolay, two Kartolo workers who are Mamet's friends, are also tired of facing Kartolo's stingy and very harsh behavior.

However, the three of them have no other choice to find a place to work. The three of them desperately need money to meet the needs of life.

One day, Kartolo took Mamet, Kubil, and Bolay to Labuan Bajo, citing a vacation. Unbeknownst to the three workers, Kartolo's departure to Labuan Bajo was to meet an old friend in the Kartolo fight in East Timor, Herman.

Herman received information about the whereabouts of Adelina Bia Carascalao, Kartolo's first wife, who has been missing since 1978. But, unexpectedly, after arriving in Labuan Bajo, Kartolo died in sleep. Since that day, Makuboys' adventure began with Kartolo's body.

Multivision Pictures is very interested in presenting this film, because the comedy story in it is very fresh and stars talented young actors. Of course, because we want to always present fresh concepts and talents in the Indonesian film industry. Hopefully this film can entertain Indonesians from all walks of life," said Raam Punjabi, producer of MVP in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Friday, October 28.

It is very fun to investigate this film, because there are many challenges and adventures in its production. Being involved with young actors who are enthusiastic and have high work ethic, made me motivated to also give the best results," he explained.

"Honestly, when I was initially offered to write this film script, I had a little doubt. Because the challenge is to present a fresh and acceptable comedy story, it is certainly not easy for all people. Moreover, starring new talents in the comedy world. I have to be able to adjust. But, after the writing process is finished and find the right match by direct directed by Bang Ody C. It feels like this film will feel different," said Imam Darto.

The name Trio Makuboys himself was accidentally sparked by Imam Darto when writing the screenplay. "When I wrote there were many scenes that I mentioned three names, Mamet, Kubil, and Bolay. Finally I briefly became Makuboys. After that, Mas Ody said why not use the name Trio Makuboys. It's fun," he explained.

Alfin Dwi Krisnandi said he was happy to finally get a new name. "Yesterday I went home to calm down. Then we thought we had to continue working and get a new name from the character of this film, I was very happy," he said.

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