
A total of 230 people claiming to be victims of fraudulent investment under the guise of multilevel marketing named robot trading Net89, reported a number of artists to the Criminal and Investigation Agency (Bareskrim Polri). In this regard, 134 perpetrators were policed. Of these, 5 artists were dragged into the Net89 trading robot case.

"From this process, there are 134 perpetrators who are suspected of committing this crime, 5 people are suspected of being public figures, then there are 7 founders, there are 5 CEOs, then 37 people related to the leader, 51 people related to the exchanger, so a total of 134 people," said Zainul Arifin, as the attorneys of the victims.

The report is registered with the number LP/B/0614/X/2022/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI on behalf of Muhammad Zainul Arifin.

Zainul visited the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit along with five people as representatives of other victims on Wednesday, October 26, 2022.

Zainul revealed the names of the artists suspected of being involved in the Net89 trading robot case, they were:

Atta Halilintar is suspected of being involved in the Net89 fraudulent investment case. According to Zainul, Atta received a flow of funds from the founder of Net89, Reza Paten.

Aurel Hermansyah's husband is said to have received a flow of funds in the bandana auction worth IDR 2.2 billion.

"Receiving the grant can be subject to Article 5 of TPPU. Now this is the money that Reza Paten gave as the founder of Net89 to Atta Halilintar," said Zainul.

However, recently Atta opened his voice about the money he received from Reza Paten. He said that the auction proceeds were used to help build the place of memorizers of the Koran and also help build mosques.

Next, Taqy Malik. He is suspected of receiving a flow of funds in Brompton bicycle auction activities worth IDR 700 million.

"Then Taqy Malik received Rp700 million from the Brompton bicycle auction, allegedly Article 5 of TPPU," said M Zainul Arifin.

Kevin's involvement in this case is to participate in promoting the Net89 fraudulent investment platform on his social media.

"Then, Kevin Aprilio is an Indonesian band musician and he also promotes through social electronic media, Zoom Meeting, there are videos and photos that we have conveyed, ITE article 45 letter a paragraph 1," he added.

Mario Teguh was also reported to the Criminal Investigation Department for promoting Net89 on his social media. Mario Teguh even has a role as leader/endorse and founder of the Net89 Billions Group.

"(Mario Teguh) participates in influencing other people to become members of Net89," said Zainul.

The last public figure reported by the victims of Net89 was the grub drummer for Nidji's band, Adri Prakarsa. He acts as the leader/endorse/Topaz of the Autosultant Group Net89. He is also suspected of promoting Net89 through his social media.

"Adri Prakarsa acts as the leader/endorse/Topaz of the Autosultan Group Net89, allegedly promoting Net89 through social media, participating in influencing others to become members," said Zainul.

Total Capai Losses of IDR 28 billion

Zainul said the total loss suffered by 230 victims of fraudulent investment under the guise of multilevel marketing called the Net89 trading robot reached Rp28 billion. This is because everyone can invest their money from Rp1.5 million to Rp1.8 billion.

"Currently, the reporting process is still ongoing and the LP process is being consulted," said Zainul, visiting VOI.

For information, the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named eight suspects in the alleged fraud case of the Net89 trading robot. The suspects are high-ranking officials of PT Simbiotic Multitalenta Indonesia (SMI).

The suspects are AA as the founder or owner of Net89 or PT SMI, LSH as the director, and ES as a member and operator.

Then LS, AL, HS, FI, and D, all of which are sub-operators of the Net89 trading robot.

In this case, the suspects were charged with multiple articles, including Article 378 of the Criminal Code, Article 372 of the Criminal Code concerning fraud.

Then, Article 106 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation Amendments to Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade, and Article 105 of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.

Also, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5 and Article 6 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning TPPU with a maximum threat of 20 years.

That's information about artists being dragged into the trading robot case.

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