
YOGYAKARTA A appearance is closely related to the condition of the body. When getting enough nutrition and vitamins, the appearance of the skin will look brighter and fresher. But when a certain type of vitamin deficiency causes the dark circle to worsen the eyes.

Another factor that causes panda eyes, apart from lack of vitamins, is lack of sleep, aging, descent, and psychological conditions. If it's due to lack of vitamins, you can include foods that contain the types of vitamins below in your diet menu.

Complex Vitamin B includes eight vitamins that are dissolved in water. Among them, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. According to nutritionist Ronald Smith, the lack of vitamins B and B12 can specifically contribute to dark eye bags.

"Vitamin B is needed for energy metabolism and also helps produce hormones and the formation of red blood cells," Smith explained as quoted by She Finds, Wednesday, October 26.

This lack of vitamins can add to the dark eye circle. Doctor Tina Gupta, MD., certified fitness and nutritionist also explains that insufficient body needs for B12 vitamins can cause pale skin. This means that the facial part is pale while the lower part of the eye looks dark. Foods that can be consumed daily to meet the needs of vitamin B12, among others, eggs, milk, poultry, meat, seafood, and fish. If you are vegetarian, choose non-dariry milk.

Not just a lack of complex vitamin B. Under-eye black loop according to Tabitha Craine dermatologist MD., lack of vitamin K is the common cause of sleepiness in the eyes.

"Vitamin K is responsible for strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, and also increasing healthy circulation and is essential for proper blood clots," explains Craine.

When vitamin K levels are low, the capillary weakens. A small amount of the lower eye area contains pools of blood and the result is dark color changes such as bruises. To meet the body's need for vitamin K, try consuming fish, liver, and eggs.

Ensuring that your diet contains enough vitamins C and E is also important. These two vitamins, if deficients can be related to the appearance of dark circles. A specialist in internal medicine and critical care and founder of bereluXE Skincare, doctor Heather Smith said that vitamins C and E improve the quality of collagen on your skin.

Vitamin C is useful for maintaining skin health, including brightening dull skin. Fat-soluble Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, soybeans, wheat seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, and peanuts. While vitamin C can be found in oranges, papaya, and Balinese.

You can enter the type of vitamin source above, in the healthy diet menu to reduce the dark circle under your eyes.

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