
JAKARTA - Imagine together with Online Cinemas presents a horror film titled Rumah Kaliurang. The film, directed by Dwi Sasono, stars Randy Pangalila, Wafda Saifan, Khiva Iskak, Erika Carlina, and Shareefa Daanish.

The name Shareefa Daanish is certainly familiar because he often plays horror films. In this film he plays Rani, a woman who can feel the presence of supernatural beings.

"I'm interested in playing Rani because of the director Dwi Sasono. Yes, I often play horror films, but there are challenges too," said Shareefa Daanish at a press conference today, Tuesday, October 25.

"The challenge is more because I cast the last one so the four of them have already read first. The challenge is I'm chasing what they've done," he explained.

When called the queen of Horror, Shareefa admitted that the nickname was too heavy for her. He hopes that the film Rumah Kaliurang can be a fun spectacle for the public.

"It's hard for me. I always feel the queen of horror is Suzanna," said Shareefa again.

Kaliurang's house tells the story of Brama (Randy Pangalila), Kinan (Erika Carlina), Anom (Khiva Iskak), Aji (Wafda Saifan Lubis), and Rani (Shareefa Daanish) who go on vacation. One time they stopped at a house and that's where the adventure began.

"I hope this film can have an impact on the audience. The scenarios that you want to convey can haunt the audience to your home," concluded Shareefa Daanish.

The film Rumah Kaliurang can be watched via the website.

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