
YOGYAKARTA In an outspoken manner in communicating, cats mess. In small cats, they mess with their mothers when they are hungry, cold, or scared. They also listen to get the attention of their mothers. But once the cat gets older, they use other vocalizations, such as men's hands, their ears, even their voice. It was voiced to communicate between the cat one and another.

In addition to communicating with fellow cats, meowing is also voiced to communicate with humans around them. Of course, each breed has a different vocal color and meow intensity. Launching the WebMD Pets, Siam's cat is considered more cerewet' than other races. Some of the other cats tweeted less. But if cats follow even though they have eaten, what is the reason? Here's the explanation.

Like humans, these hairy and carnivorous living things communicate their condition. By excessive meowing, the cat may be expressing the pain it is experiencing. Cats can also develop thyroid or kidney disease that is too active. This disease can lead to excessive vocalization.

Despite what some people think, cats don't really like being alone. Cats often follow up to start the game, ask to be fed, or make you talk to them. If you want to reduce meongs seeking attention, stop responding at the time it happens.

Give them attention only when they are silent. If they start to listen again, see or leave. But it's important to understand, never ignore your favorite pets. As much as possible, spend quality time every day with them to play, talk, and pay attention.

The cat is hungry and asking for food will continue to follow. But if you have been fed and in good health, you can be encouraged to greet you. Many cats follow when people come home, or even when they have just met at home. This is a habit that is difficult to stop, but they are paying attention and are happy to you.

Many people understand cats as scattered carnivorous animals, such as larger cats or tigers. But if the pet cat at home is left alone for a long time, try to think about getting a pet care. Or leave interactive toys at home to entertain and they don't feel lonely.

Cats that are experiencing stress are often more meowing. Pets that have just moved from one place to another, or the loss of a loved one, can change the cat's habits to vocalization. They continue to listen even though they are full, it can also be a sign that they are stressed or need adjustment to something new.

In addition, why cats keep meowing even though they have been fed, it can also be because of age. The aging cat has decreased cognitive function and mental confusion. In addition, the female cat that is being treated will also continue to ngeal and the male cat MEng when it smells the female cat.

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