JAKARTA - The final episode of the "Hope of the Dragon" series made by HBO was confirmed to have leaked to the internet before its broadcast time and disappointed HBO.
HBO said the leak of the final episode appeared to be due to partners in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa.
Citing The Guardian via Antara, the leak of the final episode was spread on illegal torent sites and now HBO is trying to attract the circulation of the illegal content.
"We are disappointed that this unlawful act has disrupted the viewing experience for loyal fans of the show, who will be able to see the original version of the episode when it premiered on Sunday," HBO said in response to the final episode leak in the first season of "House of the Dragon".
"Hope of the Dragon" has gained the full attention of old fans or new fans from the series that has previously been selling "Game of Thrones".
Each episode, "Hope of the Dragon" is watched with an average of 29 million viewers via various platforms.
Tells a story far from the event of "Game of Thrones", the first season of "Hope of the Dragon" invites its audience to know the origin of Houserulyaryen.
The lovers of this series seem to continue to grow considering the novel writer George RR Martin has renewed his contract and will return to present the second season of "House of the Dragon".
There will be at least four seasons to fully tell the story of events that set the "Hope of the Dragon", including the story of the character Lord Corly's Velaryon. HBO also ensures that other projects related to the series "Game of Thrones" are stories about Jon Snow.
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