
YOGYAKARTA - Skin care needs to be done by all groups, not only adults but also teenagers. Especially as a teenager there is growth in hormones that affect skin change. There is a sequence of teenage skincare to maintain the health of young people's skin in times of guarding.

The sequence of teenage skincare is commonly referred to as basic skincare, which is the most basic stage in using skincare. This skin care sequence is very easy to do and has significant benefits for skin health.

Skin care in adolescents can prevent the emergence of skin problems such as acne, comedo, oily skin, to premature aging. There are similar skincare products that teenagers can choose from. Teenagers also have to know their respective skin types, whether they are normal, oily, dry, or combination. By knowing, teens can choose the right skincare product for their skin types.

Skin care from a young age is important to do to avoid skin problems that can arise in the future. The use of skincare products aims to strengthen skin barriers or skin layer protection.

However, teenage skin care should not be done carelessly. Follow the skincare sequence of teenagers below in conducting skin care.

The first stage in urban skincare for adolescents is a cleaner. This stage is carried out through a health wash that functions to clean the facial skin thoroughly. The use of facial wash must be adjusted to the skin type so as not to cause irritation.

Do health wash regularly every two times a day, in the morning and evening before bedtime. Facial wash can prevent piles of dust, pollution, and the appearance of acne.

The next stage in the basic skincare sequence is the toner of the face. The selection of facial toners must also be adjusted to each person's skin type. The toner of the face serves to remove the remaining dirt attached to the skin and restore the pH of the skin. Remember, avoid facial toners that contain alcohol and chemicals that are harmful to the skin.

After touring, then teenagers need to wear a moisturizer. Wetting products recommended for teenagers are those with mild formulas and do not contain active ingredients. This is so that irritation does not occur because the skin of teenagers is still sensitive. The use of moisturizer can keep the skin hydrated, gentle, and prevent premature aging.

The next basic skincare sequence after moisturizing is wearing sunscreen. Sunscreen is good for adolescents, namely those that contain SPF at least 30 and contain minerals that are safe for the skin.

Sunscreen use needs to be done every day before doing activities outside the home. Sunscreen serves to protect the skin from exposure to the sun, prevent dark spots, acne, and dull skin.

Furthermore, teenagers also need to carry out regular exfoliation. There are various exfoliated products at affordable prices that match teenagers' pockets. In addition, facial exfoliation masks can also be made themselves using natural ingredients.

Exfoliation plays a role in removing dead skin cells, so that the face is dull free and looks cleaner. Keep in mind, don't wear an excessive exfoliating mask. Enough once every 1-2 weeks to avoid irritation.

That's the order of youth skincare that young people need to do. Face care will provide maximum results if done regularly and with the right products.

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