
JAKARTA - Brisia Jodie had apologized to Marion Jola openly via uploads on Twitter. He also mentioned karma because he was dating ex Marion Jola.

"I'm sorry, Lala (Mutu Jola's nickname), I'm doing the karma and I hope I can get through it all. Thank you for giving me a hug. Even though this is a different case, I swear I don't want to be with my former friend anymore. This very valuable lesson. Thank God," Jodi tweeted Marion. However, Jodi's tweet on Twitter has now been deleted.

Brisiaudie finally opened her voice after publicly apologizing to Marion Jola on Twitter, who had previously received a negative response from netizens. Jodi admitted that he did feel that his problem with his ex-girlfriend, Julian Jacob, was not over.

As is known, before dating Brisia Jodi, Julian Jacob first dated Marion Jola. With this, Jodi was often labeled as a boyfriend fight for a friend, until he finally decided to apologize.

"I made it because I want to apologize and I don't like the problem that is not clear. But this world can't do that. It will definitely be attached," said Jodi, on Denny Sumargo's YouTube channel.

"The one who is sad at the point is because I have sincere intentions, it's very good to apologize on Twitter. People say 'why isn't Japri?' That's it," he added, quoted from ERA.

Jodi then emphasized that he had always tried to apologize to Marion in person. However, this is not known to the public, so the label he is chasing a friend's girlfriend is always pinned for him.

"I've always tried, like I had a mistake, I'm sorry. And every time I meet I always hug and apologize to him. But no one knows," concluded Brisia Jodi.

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