
YOGYAKARTA Based on the findings of science, dogs and cats know the name given by the owner. Even experts suggest giving your favorite pet a name. The reason is to build binding or proximity and attachment. To find out how to name a pet, see the following explanation.

Having pets is not just about pleasure and creativity. But fulfilling the responsibility for safety, health, and providing training. When they are properly taught, then they will pay attention to their actions. Giving them the name of one of them, apart from the bond of humans and animals, is often referred to as the basis for directing pet behavior in homes, especially dogs and cats.

Christopher Pachel, DVM., a certified veterinary behaviorist based in Portland, Ore, says dogs and cats can know their names. However names are words that research says relate to the mental abilities of pets in recognizing them.

Exercise is the second key to this hairy animal to recognize its name. Researchers at Wofford College, dividedburg, SC, trained the border collie dog, Chaser. Because Chaser trained can recognize 1,022 objects. When it comes to recognizing his name, it is not yet clear whether dogs and cats understand the abstract concept of personal identification or names. They may know their names or hear words that mean certain things.

To name dogs and cats, it takes time for teaching. Since pets have undergone a solitary lifestyle or low interaction, the way to teach them names is to give them rewards. It's not certain how long it will take for pets to recognize their names. But you can simply pair the name chosen based on a positive experience.

The reward means food prizes such as real meat, such as chicken, cow, fish, or liver. When you call your name and they get closer, then give them the gift. Can also give fun time with interactive games with them.

To choose a name, choose a fun name, keep it light. An important repetition and tone of voice are considered. Use a happy tone of voice and say that name as often as possible. Then immediately give a gift after you mention his name and he responds.

At first the response may only be looking at or moving his pupils. You may need to add light applause to encourage responses. If it is often done, the pet will recognize its own name.

The names of dogs and cats need to be selected with certain consonants reported by WebMD Pets, Wednesday, October 19. Like K, P, D, which can create me space sounds with more energy at all frequencies. Simply put, choose names that attract the attention of pets. These sounds activate more audio receptors in the brain.

People who like dog competitive behavior, often prefer short names with one word. There are also those who use two terms to get the attention of dogs and cats. Not a few are also happy with the long name of pets such as Ginko Biloba or Boba Cornella.

Pachel said the time interval between names is heard and gift giving needs to be repeated. The more repetition, the more pets recognize the name. Alexandra Horowitz, Ph.D., author of Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know, recommend choosing a flexible name spoken, fun, serious, and as needed. Generally, two or more terms give more vocal variations. Horowitz advice again, choose names that are distinctive and often not heard by your pets everyday.

A complicated and long name, that's okay according to Pachel. But don't name certain animals, such as Killers, because they will be considered scary for others.

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