
JAKARTA - balance of communication in relationships is very important. Often wanting to be heard rather than hearing your partner's wishes or opinions, it turns out that you are a selfish partner.

egoism is one of the most common problems in relationships. In addition, selfish traits can make relationships end. The following are the characteristics of selfish people in relationships reported by Insensip Tips, Tuesday, October 18. Are you included in it?

You always demand your partner's time

Sign that you are selfish in a relationship is when you always ask your partner to be near you. You are always angry every time your partner doesn't answer or call you. You always ask him to be with you all the time. No matter what he is doing. Remember, even though he is a partner, he also still has his own life.

You are very possessive

Possessive more than just jealousy. When you behave possessively, it means you don't like him talking or saying "hai" to other people especially to the opposite sex. You prohibit him from hanging out with friends because he is always filled with suspicion.

You control relationships

If you are always in control of your relationship, it means you are selfish. Couples are not allowed to do things outside of your permission. Meanwhile, you can do things you like without telling your partner What is being done.

You want your partner to change for you

To make your partner an ideal man or woman, you demand that she change herself. You also don't hesitate to threaten your partner, if he wants your love relationship to continue, then he must be willing to change what you don't like about him. While on the other hand, you are not willing to change yourself when asked by your partner. In your opinion, your partner must love you as it is.

You never ask or listen to your partner's opinion

What the couple said was never heard of. You are not interested in the idea or what he said. You just want to be heard but don't want to listen. This is one of the selfish attitudes that can be fatal to a relationship.

You never apologize, even if you were wrong

It's hard for you to say " sorry" to your partner even when you make a mistake. You just want your partner to apologize first. For you, self-esteem is more important than love. So couples are required to start reconciliation first every time they finish a fight.

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